Camellia sinensis – this same plant gives rise to different varieties of teas. Assam black tea is produced from a specific sub-species of this plant called Assamica. What kind of tea a blend will be greatly depends on the processing of its leaves. Different processing methods create the difference in varieties. However, people generally prefer black blends. This particular variety gets its unique characteristics from the oxidation process that it undergoes. It is due to this oxidation that black type of this beverage gets its powerful flavor.

It is not unknown to anybody that black brew has high caffeine content than all other types. Black blend from Assam has similar caffeine strength like all other black varieties. It is often said that Assam black brew has caffeine content like coffee. Despite this, a cup of coffee is richer in caffeine than a cup of Assam black liquor.

Impact of Consuming Black Tea Regularly

Well, tea is a good substitute to coffee, though it has lesser amount of caffeine than coffee and more of health benefits. For instance, Assam black blend has essential nutrients and antioxidants which are absent in coffee. Studies of experts have shown that many coffee fans have switched their drinking preference to black brews from coffee because of its low caffeine content and high nutritional value. Organic Assam tea is naturally produced and works wonder than normal blends with regard to its nutritive benefit.

Now, there are several factors that figure overall caffeine measure in a cup of golden liquor. Some of them are –

  • Time of brewing
  • Temperature of water
  • Amount of broken and whole leaves used for brewing

It is a known fact that a cup of black brew is a wonderful way of lowering fatigue and raising alertness. After hours of hard work, people generally like to have black tea for refreshment. However, this caffeinated drink can pose certain health considerations if not consumed at a moderate amount. Moderate drinking does not affect health critically or lead to any threatening issues.

Not interested in caffeinated brew? Well, there is also de-caffeinated variety of tea as well. Assam caffeine-free blends fall in this category. This type of Assam brew too has similar rich color and full-bodied malty flavor like the caffeinated one. A drinker might wonder about how to get this decaffeinated variety? Using a chemical free CO2 processing, caffeine content gets removed from Assam tea leaves. This is an effective removal technique.