Hemorrhoids are a painful and irritating condition in which the veins around the lower rectum or anus are inflamed or swollen. The causes for hemorrhoids may be many, including obesity and pregnancy. The disease could also be caused by lack of exercise. Excessive use of caffeine and alcohol can also result in hemorrhoids, since these substances dehydrate the body.

Caffeine and Alcohol in Hemorrhoids

Caffeine works as a dehydrating agent and dehydration is among the prime causes of hemorrhoids. Therefore, caffeine works as an indirect causal agent. Hence, to prevent hemorrhoids, avoid consuming foods with excessive caffeine, such as coffee and energy drinks.

Hypertension also causes hemorrhoids. Although caffeine increases blood pressure, it is not known to cause hypertension. Similarly, alcohol does not directly cause hemorrhoids, but is an indirect agent. Alcohol is a diuretic that causes dehydration and resultant constipation. Since constipation is among the root causes of hemorrhoid development, avoiding alcohol can prevent hemorrhoids.

Alcohol causes dehydration through increased urine production. Hence, it is important to make up for the lost water through increased water consumption. Dehydration caused by alcohol is often worsened when you follow it with a cup of coffee. This is because coffee is also a diuretic, and the two combine to worsen constipation and hemroids. So, the only solution to prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid coffee and alcohol, and drink lots of water to maintain hydration.

Hemorrhoids: Preventive Measures

If you cannot quit alcohol or caffeine, then you should at least reduce their consumption. Those already suffering from hemorrhoids must avoid consuming food items containing these, so that the condition is not aggravated. That is, it is possible to prevent hemorrhoid development or aggravation through effective dietary changes.

Hemorrhoids caused by dehydration can be cured by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Vitamin supplements and fiber rich vegetables, along with sufficient exercise and proper sitting posture, can prevent hemorrhoid development. Since natural treatments for hemorrhoids have fewer side effects, they are preferred over other treatment methods.