Most of the effects in coffee are the presence of caffeine, found in other food products (tea, cocoa-based drinks containing cola, etc). The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee depends on several factors: the origin of the coffee, the composition of the mixture, how to prepare the infusion and the strength of it.

A coffee made of Robusta beans contains as much as twice caffeine as coffee with Arabica beans. A soluble coffee typically has less caffeine that a roast and ground coffee. Because it is soluble in water, caffeine is almost completely in a coffee filter, while an espresso retains 80 to 85%, against 92 to 98% for a coffee prepared with the coffee machine known as “Italian”.

Caffeine content:

  • 1 cup of Robusta (coffee 10g, 7 ml water): 200 to 250 mg
  • 1 cup of Arabica (coffee 10g, 7 ml water): 80 to 100 mg
  • 1 cup of instant coffee (15 ml): 50 to 80 mg
  • 1 cup of decaffeinated coffee (15 ml): less than 10 mg
  • 1 dessert with coffee (cream, etc): approximately 20 mg
  • One to two coffee cups may increase awareness, stimulate vigilance, and promote concentration. The coffee dissipates tiredness and fights against sleepiness; it accelerates reflexes and supports the effort. It lowers the tension of the cerebrospinal fluid and can therefore act positively against some headaches. Caffeine is a component of most drugs to treat headaches (C.N.R.S.).

    Consumed in moderation, caffeine does not involve any health issue. It would be even desirable that the body has at least 100 mg daily for a good energy level. The amount absorbed each day is generally less than 300 mg, corresponding roughly to with three cups of roasted coffee and ground coffee or five instant coffee cups. In fact, each individual reacts differently to caffeine. Some people can support a high quantity of it, while others react to small quantities. The sensitivity to the effects of caffeine varies depending on the tolerance, absorption rate, and age. Tolerance takes in large part to genetic predisposition, but weight is also involved.

    A person large and healthy treats more caffeine easily than a thin person does. The action of caffeine is rapid. The average length of its body metabolism is 40mg per hour, but it is generally faster among women than among men. In fact, to know that consumption is good everyone should try to determine its time of caffeine metabolism.

    Time that it is necessary for the organization to eliminate half the caffeine intake is 4 to 6 hours. Some factors that decrease this “half-life”: physical activity, consumption of vitamin C, tobacco – a smoker eliminates caffeine twice as quickly as a non-smoker, which explains the heavy smokers are often big coffee drinkers. Others prolong it: obesity, liver disease, taking oral contraceptives, and pregnancy – a pregnant woman puts three times longer to eliminate caffeine.

    Time needed to eliminate half of the caffeine consumption:

  • Woman, 3 hours
  • Pregnant woman, 6 to 20 hours
  • Man, 4 to 6 hours
  • Smoker, 3 to 5 hours
  • A strong coffee drinker, 7 days
  • The coffee stimulates the production of saliva, gastric secretions, and intestinal transit. Taken after the meal, it helps digestion (National Institute of Health Consensus Report). It is now refuted the responsibility of excess coffee in the heart attack is now refuted. However, the American cardiologist Thomas Pearson said, coffee accelerates the cardiac rhythm and increases the cholesterol level, two factors at the origin of heart disease.

    That means that coffee is good for you when consumed in moderation. It is time to have a cup of coffee now.