As many of my articles deal with the last days and prophecies concerning them in the bible it would appear that the end is in sight with the USA now trapped by North Korea. With the President threatening the rogue regime with horrendous consequences if they threaten his country again Kim Yung-on immediately retaliated with a threat to bomb Guam, a military base in the Pacific that is within his reach.

There is no doubt that the latter wants a nuclear war to precipitate and the consequences of starting it are dire. The city of Seoul is within artillery fire range of the Demarcation Zone, that separates the north from South Korea. Lined up are the weapons that can easily rain destruction on the city of some 20 million people. The death toll would be horrendous.

On the other hand, there are so many other problem spots where the USA is involved, such as Afghanistan and Syria, that taking its military into the North Korean issue will open up new threats that it could not handle at the same time. The dilemma is hitting home as the administration tries to decide on the best action.

Sanctions were successfully passed at the United Nations Security Council on Saturday that have China’s backing. So what does it all mean?

The world awaits a decision. Does the USA strike North Korea with the intention of stopping its nuclear program and risk all out war or does it ignore the threats and wait? The problem is that as time passes the nuclear power of that region grows and the death toll to people in the USA or their servicemen overseas may be high if Jong-un carries out his statements.

The facts as some see them is that he may be bluffing and trying to get a sizeable stand to negotiate a peace deal with the USA. With Trump in power that seems unlikely. This President believe in force and not compromise.

Kennedy faced a similar threat in 1961 with the Bay of Pigs incident and Russia. He also used threats and a hard-line against Khrushchev and pulled it off. The difference here, though, is that Jung-un is not like Khrushchev. He doesn’t have the budget or number of people behind him that the Russian President had at the time. He is also more concerned with losing face and his powerful position if he gives in.

In my mind there is nothing to stop the world’s end as my spiritual link and memory of reincarnation shows that the real God is in control. What was written in its promises will come true no matter how men might try to change it.

“And the slain of God shall be at that day from one end of the earth unto the other end of the earth” Jeremiah 25:33

Only a massive world-wide conflict of nuclear proportions can bring this about. While the world waits on the outcome many already know the answer. America is boxed into a corner and check-mated by its long-time enemy.