Goals setting for kids is an important lesson they need to be taught because it helps them to understand how to achieve success realistically. While most children are fully aware of what it means to have an objective, many of them do not know how to go about achieving their aim. Often, as a result, they try to grab what is beyond their reach, expect a fast outcome or do not understand what work is required for them to succeed.

To help promote understanding in regard to goals setting for kids, the following are four steps than can be of assistance:

1. Write down the goal – Have the child write down what they wish to achieve and why this accomplishment is important to them. Have them make note of what the goal should look like when it is completed. Never tell them their objectives are foolish or a waste of time and provide them with the necessary tools they will need to attain their success.

2. Outline the steps that are necessary for achievement – You need to break down each step so that they become manageable tasks the child can accomplish. For instance, if goals setting for kids involves learning how to rollerblade (inline skating), they need to practice on a daily basis, learn the basics, and understand what equipment and movements are involved to skate safely. Therefore, they need to read books and watch videos from professionals and apply what they learn, not spend their time playing rollerblading-based video games and experimenting with moves a few times a week.

3. Make note of all the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the goal – There may be certain issues that can stand in the way, such as money. For example, if the young person does not have the funds to purchase all of the equipment or resources they need it is necessary they think of ways to move past the obstacle, such as taking books out of the library versus buying them and ways to earn money and save to attain what is needed (I.E. rollerblades, helmet, etc.).

4. Create an estimated deadline – All goals setting for kids requires a time frame for completion. This doesn’t only mean just one deadline for the complete project but mini completion dates for the various tasks. This is important because obtaining small successes inspires children to continue pursuing their target as they will see it as more attainable, especially if it will take weeks or months to achieve.