In Taiwan sports recreation has become increasingly popular, hardly surprising when you consider that it was in 2001 that the two-day weekend was first introduced. Legislation decreased a five and a half day working week, down to five days. This saw more Taiwanese have spare time in which to pursue recreational activities.

There was a sudden growth in Taiwan sports recreation and group activities were and are especially popular. A large number of teams were created to compete against each other, often organised by schools, local companies and government offices. Basketball and softball in particular have become extremely popular, though soccer and baseball have only had limited take up so far. These last two team games are become a well followed sport at international level, although there is a relative lack of take up in playing at a national level.

Taiwan sports recreation has also seen a good take up or racquet and bat sports, with tennis, badminton, and table tennis being especially popular. Water has also played an important role in Taiwan sports recreation growth, and are the most popular sports activities. Swimming and diving in particular have proved to be popular in the sea and in swimming pools. Weekends see the seas and lakes of Taiwan packed as people relax by windsurfing, yachting, canoeing, fishing and paragliding.

Fishing is one of the biggest growing sports activities in Taiwan, although golf is taking over in popularity. World class golf courses are increasingly appearing across the island, and the best clubs have a long waiting list of those wishing to join. Taiwan has invested a lot of money in all of its recreational facilities; this is obvious in the overall quality of the golf courses and golf clubs.

Taiwan sports recreation is also taken up with more strenuous activities as hiking and mountain climbing. It appears that the Taiwanese in their leisure time like nothing more than hiking up the country’s mountains. Taiwan is relatively famous for its hills and mountains and thousands leave the cities each weekend to take in the landscape and try trekking up the slopes.

Taiwan sports recreation is a growing pastime amongst the Taiwanese who find themselves with more spare time than they ever had before. As a result there has been a growth in the provision of equipment and supplies to feed the activities. This has seen the manufacturing of sports equipment become one of the growth areas within the Taiwanese economy.