My meditation teacher posed this question for contemplation.

My first reaction was, “Not much.”

I mentally walked away from the whole subject.

Later, I came back to it to the question, and thought, “Wait a minute. Which part of me gave that answer?”

You already know that we have many different aspects within us, so my followup question was a valid one.

By asking this second question, I realized it was my Ego aspect responding. The Ego is very judgmental and thinks in terms of limitation. It sees itself as very small, and while at times it might arrogantly believe it’s the biggest and best and deserves everything, this comes from a greedy place of one-upmanship.

The Ego is filled with negativity, too.

I remember reading, many years ago, the novel called, The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. It takes place in China, in a culture where peasants were afraid of the gods. They were taught, and taught their children, to never give a compliment or saying anything positive about a child because it might offend the jealous gods. A jealous God had the power of life and death, and might cause the child to die.

This type of thinking comes from the Ego aspect.

So I asked myself again, “What is the worth of your life in your own eyes?”

This time, I heard my I Am Presence saying,

“You are of infinite worth because you are Infinite Consciousness. You are completely perfect and pure, and worthy of all things, all existence.

Your life is of great value to Infinite Consciousness and to others because you are an expression of the Divine Self, a part of that One Consciousness that contains all and expresses itself through All.”

Can you feel the difference in the energy between this response and the first one?

This response feels expansive, and full of Light and Love. In my mind’s eye, I can see it glowing. Can you?

The importance of this experience should not be minimized.

How we react to each event in our lives is our choice,

You can choose allow the Ego is run things.


You can choose to take charge of what you think.

We can remind ourselves that the Ego is an artificial construct. We can remind ourselves that the Ego provides a false view of who we are and of reality.

Infinite Consciousness is who we are, and that perspective expresses the Truth.

So when you ask yourself, “What is the worth of your life in your own eyes?” what answer do you get?

Do you think in terms of how much money you earn or how many things you own?

Do you think in terms of what you look like physically?

Do you think in terms of how many friends you have or whether you are married or have children?

All thoughts like these are about the mundane world.

Your “worth” goes far beyond that, for beyond this or any lifetime.

Your worth is infinite, because you, the true you, is infinite.