I write so that I can understand the scripture. That’s why I’m honest, sometimes brutally honest. But I can’t do anything else, because I can’t just sweep things under the carpet and pretend they don’t exist.

Sometimes when a voice tells me to do something I don’t want to, I back out far too quickly. I usually have good reasons to justify myself. Sometimes I’m too busy, sometimes unsure, sometimes too tired, sometimes too… , uhm… yes, I simply don’t feel like it.

Have you ever missed the right road because you were hiding behind a list of excuses… ?

Chills run down my spine.

I suspect Paul wanted to remove an excuse or two from Timothy’s arsenal too: 12And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young.

What is your excuse?



A disability


Too shy

Too sinful


Don’t know enough

Don’t know how


What will people think of me?

My energy levels…

I’m sure you can add some from your arsenal.

I hope that, like me, you can be honest about it. I hope that you will remove the scales from your eyes so that you can see that other people lose their way because you and I rather use excuses than living our calling.

Remember, we don’t have to do this on our own. God is simply looking for faithful, obedient and willing children. He will give us strength. He will give us wisdom. He will take us by the hand and help us to do it right. And if necessary, He will put the right words in our mouths. Yes, He is the One that equips us with everything that is needed so that our excuses do not stand in the way of our obedience.

Are you prepared to put away your excuses? Are you prepared to be honest about where you have to go and make an impact in life? Are you prepared to go?

Then go!


1 Timothy 4:6-16


Are you prepared to put away your excuses?

Are you prepared to be honest about where you have to go and make an impact in life?

Are you prepared to go?


Father, I must admit that I have a fairly big arsenal of excuses not to do what you expect of me. Please help me, Lord, because I really want to go out and live my calling. So many people need your love. Amen.