Historically, there have been, very few impeachments, or, even, considerations of impeaching, in the history of the United States. In each of the previous instances, although, the House of Representatives, either decided against proceeding, or approved the Articles of Impeachment, and, thus, forwarded them, to the U.S. Senate, which has never, actually, impeached any President. In the 1860’s, Andrew Johnson, was impeached, and in the 1990’s, so was Bill Clinton. However, it never proceeded, to that point, during the infamous, Watergate Scandal, because Richard Nixon, decided to resign, instead. Today, it’s difficult to watch, any news, or politically oriented, television program, without this topic, being discussed, by some, so – called, talking heads. Unlike Clinton, who remained popular with the American public, despite these proceedings (often, having over a 60% favorable rating in the polls), Donald J. Trump, has never, during his tenure in office, had over a 50% favorable rating. Many historians, and/ or, students of history (American), have proclaimed, we have never witnessed, the degree of polarization, which presently existed, at least, since our Civil War. It appear this President’s core supporters, are the most loyal, ever, and his 35-40% base, seems to continue supporting and believing him, apparently, regardless of any, and all, revelations. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, the pros and cons of proceeding forward with impeachment proceedings, and other relevant considerations.

1. The pros, or, why it’s essential to proceed with these: A through reading of the Mueller Report, indicates, with the highest degree of certainty, the Russians attempted to influence the results of the 2016 election, in opposition to Hillary Clinton. President Trump, despite these statements, as well as declarations from the intelligence agencies, has, constantly, stated, he is not sure, this occurred. Is this because of his ego, and/ or, did something sinister occur, in cooperation with the Russians. If Congress impeached a President for lying about having extra – marital sex, shouldn’t the possibility of foreign interference in our democratic process, be fully considered, and be, of concern? If nothing is done, what precedent does that create, in terms of undesirable behavior, and/ or, unlimited power of the Executive Branch? Impeachment is a political process, and, our President, is supposed to be held to higher moral and ethical standards! Whether Trump, was involved, or not, with the initial offense, there have been many incidents, where he clearly, attempted to obstruct/ interfere, by telling staff to lie/ withhold information, dictating a dishonest memo for his son (to explain the infamous Trump Tower/ Russian meeting, telling people to ignore subpoenas issued by Congress, questionable firing of the former FBI Director, etc. If Congress does nothing, it further erodes our Constitutional concept of Balance of Powers!

2. The cons: It seems, the major reasons, to not proceed, are political! Some believe, although the House might impeach, it seems, the present, Senate, under Senate Majority Leader, O’Connell, will not take any investigative, well – considered, bipartisan action, because, it appears, their motivation is based, more on partisan, political considerations, than the common – good! Wouldn’t the best interests of the nation, which seems so divided, be, to have a thorough, fair hearing, in the interests of both, today’s relevant issues, as well as the future, sustainable ones?

3. Other relevant considerations: How can we protect our Constitution, and all its rights, freedoms, etc, and the concept of, no individual, being above the law? How can this process be fair, to all, thorough and complete, and avoid becoming, merely a partisan, political, spectacle?

Whether one approves, or disapproves of Trump, this issue is much bigger than the possible crimes, or this man, but, impacts the nation’s future. Wake up, America, and protect our future, before it’s too late!