As someone, who tends to pay attention, to politics, and political history, I have observed, in my memory, Americans, often, tend to vote, based on issues such as personalities, empty promises and rhetoric, and other emotional appeals. Wouldn’t we, usually, be better – served and represented, if, we took the time, and effort, to delve deeply, and discover, what the individual, stood for, and might do, rather than, merely, voting against his opponent, etc? Many polls indicate, one of the reasons, Donald Trump was elected President, in 2016, was because of the anti – Hillary vote. Another factor was his appeal to the needs, goals, priorities, and concerns, of his core supporters. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, why, now, perhaps more than ever before, in recent memory, voters need, to better understand and realize, voting is both a right, and a very sincere obligation!

1. 2020 – What will be your reason for voting for a specific candidate?: Every vote counts, should be considered, more than merely, a slogan, but, rather, a reality! Voting against Hillary Clinton, was probably a major factor, in electing the current President, so, open – your – eyes. and, don’t vote, merely based on opposing someone, but demand a candidate, tell you, why he deserves your vote! Although President Trump, may have a significant, unfavorable rating, he also has, a significant, base of extremely loyal, core supporters. Those, who identify themselves, as Democrats, must avoid, merely running a negative, anti – Trump, campaign, and nominating a candidate, with a clear – cut, positive, action plan, and strategic, relevant, sustainable, viable solution, which might appeal, to a broad base of Americans. They must take care, to avoid the temptation, to move, too far, too quickly, to the political left, because the reality is, if they wish, to make the changes in direction, they claim to seek and desire, it’s essential to have a candidate, who appeals, both, to members of their party, as well as those, considering themselves, to be, independents, and/ or moderates.

2. How much emphasis on legal improprieties of the present administration?: While we may never know, all the details, or the underlying considerations and thought – process, of the so – called, Mueller Report, the summary given, by Attorney General Barr, at least, temporarily, has probably embolded President Trump, and his cronies. Wouldn’t it make sense, to continue the process, but, focus on the many urgent issues, such as infrastructure, environmental issues, tax considerations for the non – 1%, and a re – focusing, on the concepts of liberty and justice, for all?

3. Will they shoot themselves, in the foot, again?: The Democratic Party, has, often, shot itself, in the foot, by focusing on issues, the electorate, didn’t consider, essential. Most Americans are more concerned about affordable health care, economic fairness, climate/ environmental common sense, etc, than, merely, opposing the existing administration.

Wake up, America, because, if you don’t, you will be responsible, for the potentially undesirable, unsustainable results, which occur. The electorate must step forward, and become more responsible, alert, attentive voters!