It seems as though everywhere one looks, there is something being said about alternate energy sources. Be it fossil fuels, geothermal, wind energy, hydroelectric or solar energy, many homeowners are looking for ways to get more at a better rate. In fact, there is such an interest in finding a better energy option, that the solar market has increased in the US by 76% since 2012.

Perhaps one of the most commonly used forms of alternate energy is solar electric power. It has been used for decades in countries all around the globe and is effective at helping home and business owners lower their monthly energy costs – not to mention make them less reliant on area utility companies.

8 Reasons to Swap to Solar Electric Energy

If you are considering making the swap to solar electric energy, then here are some reasons you will want to do so:

  1. Solar electric energy, contrary to what some might think, actually helps create jobs. In fact, the industry creates up to 3x more jobs than the coal or natural gas.
  2. Independence from the power company. Once you have solar panels installed on your roof, you basically have an independent source of electricity and are not dependent on another entity.
  3. Since you are not reliant on the power company, and you can count on the sun to rise and set each day, then you can be certain to always have an energy source. Consider this, 3,000 terawatts of solar energy shine down on the Earth’s surface every day, which is 10,000 times the daily global energy use.
  4. While the initial investment for solar electric energy can be a bit pricey, in the long run it can save you thousands of dollars. According to one study, it was found that homeowners who swapped to solar electric energy families saved more than $100 per month.
  5. Solar energy does not require fuel combustion nor do you need to be concerned about gaseous emissions, thus minimizing your family’s carbon footprint.
  6. Because solar panels are installed on the rooftop, you are not losing any real estate in your yard or trying to figure out where in your home they can be placed.
  7. They will last for up to 25 years and require minimal maintenance. After 25 years, the industry guarantees 80% performances.
  8. There are a number of tax incentives available to homeowners who make the swap to renewable energy sources.

Swapping to solar electric energy is easier than ever before. If you are looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money while maintaining the needs of your family’s energy source, then talk to a local sustainable energy provider to get started.