Hunting for sport of food is a relaxing, exciting and educational experience for hunters of all ages. There are many claims that this type of hunting has no beneficial results and therefore should be banned. However, there are many who do not understand the true purpose for hunting and therefore do not realized that sport hunting should not be banned. Education is lacking when an assumption is made stating hunting is only recreational and leaves damage without good.

Many benefits come from hunting not only to the hunter, but to the natural world as well. Without the hunter, many breeds of animals would become overpopulated and eventually die off from starvation due to the excessive numbers and lower food percentage per herd. Not only would there be an overpopulation of many animals, but there would also be a vast area for disease and inner-herd killings. In nature, it is survival of the fittest, those that are weak and old will be the first attacked, even by their own kind.

Hunting offers benefits to the hunter as well. There are the benefits of education, by watching and studying the animals, the hunter will in turn learn how they associate among themselves, their patters for breeding and migration, and their tendencies of behavior. Therefore, the hunter will not only benefit by this knowledge within his hunt but also an understanding of what animals to harvest when hunting. Sick or deformed animals often give the hunter a sense of sympathy when hunting. It is unlikely that this animal will live very long and may possibly spread its disease or deformities to the other animals or when breeding. It is easy to see why sport hunting should not be banned when taking the information from this perspective and applying it to the natural order of life.

This type of hunting also provides excitement and a chance for a relaxing connection with nature. During a hunt, the hunter is often sitting in silence and connecting with nature. This opportunity allows for the hunter to take in his surrounding and learn the area around him. Knowing the vegetation and the growth rate of the area crops is an important step to being a good hunter. This knowledge comes through conservation of the land being managed for hunting. Through this land management, the plant life and animal life become more abundant and prosperous.

Sport hunting should not be banned for lack of knowledge on the part of protesters. There are many environmental benefits to the vegetation and wildlife. The health of the animals and the life cycle that produces from healthy wildlife is important to hunters proving to produce larger, stronger wildlife without damaging their chances of survival. Hunting also brings benefit to humans through the control of the wildlife and the predatory animals that would turn to the neighborhoods when overpopulation occurs. These dangerous animals are wolves, bears, mountain lions, coyotes, and bobcats. Hunting wildlife keeps disease among wildlife at a lower rate and ensures better survival.