Today, we live in a world filled with deception, deceit, and lies. The United States government continues to perpetrate gross injustices on the public. Sadly, though there really hasn’t been a unified effort to make our government accountable for all the travesties they have imposed on the American citizen. Remember the 99% movement of just a few years ago. That protest never got organized for if it did maybe just maybe things would be a little bit better today. It is the public though that have been so indoctrinated in accepting whatever the government mandates. There have been countless numbers of unfunded mandates imposed on the American citizen all of which have put financial strains on practically every American. That is just part of the issues facing us today.

The bigger crisis facing us today requires us to realize that there are two groups of men in the world today. On one hand there are men allied with the Creator. Then there are those who alien themselves with the Created. A battle for supremacy as one would put it, men allied with life and living verses men allied with things other men created like money and corporations. It is this battle that has been waged for centuries. We always have a choice between what is truly valuable, like life, health, family, food, homes and communities. Others look at what is valuable in quite a different scope. An illusion if you will where they feel corporations, money and all else that substitutes itself for what is actual. For thousands of years, Mankind has been living in an illusion, half-asleep, unconscious, manipulated, and abused. It couldn’t be any truer than right in the United States.

To many people don’t realize that the United States is basically a corporate instrument of the international banking conglomerates. What this means is that every American are owned by the corporation aka, the government of the United States. This also means that the corporate United States holds ownership of all your assets, your property and even ones children. Think about all the bills we are forced to pay, all those various taxes and fines and even licenses we have to pay for. And, all this started in 1871.

When congress passed the Act of 1871 and subsequent legislation we the people have been deceived ever since into thinking we are free and independent when in actuality we continue to be slaves and servants of the corporation. Our ignorance of the facts has led to our silence and our silence has been construed as our consent to become beneficiaries of a debt we did not incur. The fact of the matter is that treason was committed against the People with the passage of the Act of 1871. Through lust for money and power this act was never corrected. We the people have lost more freedom than we realize due to the corporate infiltration of government.

Our ignorance of the law has led this nation to the brink of disaster. It is everyone’s responsibility and our obligation as an American to learn about the law and how it applies to everyone. The government has for decades counted on the fact that most people are either too distracted, lazy or uninterested to see what is actually happening to the nation. We the People have been for too long mentally conditioned to allow the alleged government to act with impunity.

Today, it is though no one really cares to know just what the Act of 1871 has done to the very core of America. Just think of all the wars and courageous men and women who laid down their lives for the preservation of the ideals of our founding fathers. When in fact those ideals were tossed aside by the lust for money and power. What we need today is a Revolution in thought and in our thinking if we are to ever have a chance to right the wrongs imposed by unscrupulous individuals who continue to act in accordance with the welfare of the Corporate United States.