It was the intention of God to bury the truth beneath the confusion and thick fog created by religions. It became a great wall of deceit as the evil within grew to the proportions of today’s events that is bringing about the destruction of the planet. While most believe in heaven and hell and an eternal life of peace and happiness nothing could be further from the truth. Those who are suffering the most in this time of strife are those who cling to the dogma and prefer to die rather than live.

“Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.” Isaiah 28:15

Already the stage is set as nation lines up against nation and religion against religion. It started in the East many centuries ago with the rise of the first beast and then the second. Together they built the wall and strengthened it with nothing more than the imagination of those they have misled and deceived.

In a vision I saw Rome and a great black ribbon emerge from it that stretched to Sicily and then hastily engulfed the world. It is the evil that was shown to me in another vision when I was lifted high above the earth and saw it encased in thick black goo that nothing could penetrate. Suddenly a bright light shot from where I was and it penetrated the blackness like a hot knife through butter. It then spread quickly around the planet and pushed the black goo out into space where it evaporated.

It took many years of learning from the Spirit to understand all that has been shown to me but the bottom line is that the real God is back and making its presence felt among its people. They are coming away from organised religion in droves and are worshipping in a new way and speaking in tongues. They enjoy healing and other miracles that were considered to be from the devil by those who worship the false gods.

There is no heaven or hell but these so-called places of eternal life are the power behind the deception. They are a trap that engages those of the Spirit as a prison of strength from which they cannot escape. The thought of spending eternity in eternal flames remains the guard on the door preventing their escape.