Ignorance is truly bliss when it comes to religious festivals and their origins. While many will gorge on chocolate eggs or send their kids in pursuit of real eggs over Easter will they think of the reasoning behind it? How many connect the religious celebration to the fertility cults of the past? Would or could any of them seek out the ancient festivals and link them together? The answer is no! They will simply fall into line and follow the leaders.

My experience of reincarnation and the stark reality that there is no heaven or hell sent me back to discover those roots. With knowledge that the real God is the Spirit of the Universe, while man's dreams are the same today as they were thousands of years ago. paints a picture of deceit and cover-up that religions engage in.

The human mind is fickle so that promises of better lives, more money, greater results, and so on, play big in what one believes. Easter is a promise that no matter how bad one is there is redemption, but not in this life. It is part of the ancient dreaming that men could die on crosses and become father gods in heaven. The problem is where is heaven?

Easter, however, is much more than that. To begin with it has to do with the belief that Mary, the Mother God of Babylon, can be fertilized by men. Yes! Religion is based on sex.

What many don't realize is that through their religious links men are capable of becoming gods. The man ego and virility depend on this. It's why Muslims believe they will marry virgins when they become martyrs. The term is from 'Mary's cross' and that is the name of the Mother God.

When Constantine established the Catholic Church in 325 AD and put up Jesus Christ as its Savior (Revelation 13: 12-18) he also put Mary into it as the Mother of God. She could not be done away with or ignored if the religion was to succeed. What followed was tremendous cover-up and concealment of the roots.

He changed the time of Easter from the Equinox and Eye-star (formed at that time) to line it up with the full moon. This was a simple trick that was soon followed by many others to make Easter appear to be related to the gods of his making.

The fact that many branches of his religion soon followed, that is all of Christianity, is why Mary is the Mother of Harlots. She is also described as the mother of all the abominations of the earth (Revelation 17: 5) and as the church that sits on seven hills (Rome).