Well I finally got the chance to go deer hunt out at the Joe Kurz Georgia WMA over the weekend, and I tell you, I was very impressed in more ways than one. This Wild life management area is an excellent Georgia deer hunter location. There were a lot of wide open fields, and a ton of excellent areas to set up and hunt. Mt. Carmel Rd. runs directly through the WMA, and if you turn right on Germany Rd., you have a fairly smooth dirt road that travels down through some outstanding Georgia deer hunting areas. The Flint River borders a large section of the Georgia WMA. One thing I really like was that there was an awesome primitive camping area right on a small lake. But believe me when I say primitive camping I mean primitive camping no water, no electricity, no tent pads, nodda, nothing. Also, make darn sure that if you find yourself there on a Sunday, you darn well better have some food available, because there are no open restaurants anywhere near this wildlife management area on Sunday.

There are a few convenient stores just outside of the Georgia WMA if you’re OK with grabbing a bite at one of the convenient stores, bring some food with you. If your like me and most other Georgia deer hunters, your gonna want some real food after spending a long morning in the woods. If your there other than a Sunday, there are a few good options for eating. One is a little pizza joint that I ate at called Kings Pizza Barn. You can get there by traveling just a mile or two on Hwy. 85N (Turn right as you leave the Georgia WMA from Mt. Carmel) The other option in a killer little hole in the wall BBQ joint called Uncle C’s and it’s approximately ten miles from the WMA traveling Hwy. 85N. If you take Hwy 85S, I found an awesome little diner called Smoke House Diner with home cooked country food and BBQ , just make sure you stay on Hwy 85S, and don’t take the alternate that bears off to the right. If you pass this little diner, you will come to a small area that has a take out only restaurant, and another deer processor located beside a convenient store called the Venison Shop, their sign says they specialize in deer jerky, but I’ve never heard anything about them good or bad.

I found another deer processor exactly ten miles down Hwy. 85N Just across the street from the Uncle C’s BBQ restaurant; it’s called The Sportsman’s Deer Cooler. I have not used them yet, but everyone I talk to has had nothing but good things to say about their quality, and they specialize in Country and smoked sausage perfect for the Georgia deer hunting enthusiast. For directions to the wildlife management area, probably the easiest way is to just map quest Mt. Carmel Rd. City of Gay Georgia, there are several different routes you can take coming from Interstate 85 South out of Atlanta to get their. In all, with all my Georgia deer hunting experiences, this one was great. I went up on a Thursday afternoon, and stayed till Sunday afternoon, I camped out using a small quiet generator and a small electric heater in my tent, didn’t shoot or see a darn thing except as I was leaving the Georgia WMA Sunday afternoon, go figure, but all in all it was a great weekend. I would suggest to any Georgia deer hunting enthusiast to give this wildlife management area a try.