Deer hunting is the sport or activity of chasing deer. This practice which began in 7000 BC has spread throughout the world, but it was most popular in North America and Europe. In British and Irish sportsmen however, it is more commonly called deer stalking.

In pursuit of this sport, certain strategies have been developed by experts in order to have success. These strategies are summarized into three simple ways in this section.

First, get to know the place of hunting. Of course, you need to have certain tools in order to do this and to find your prospective victim. A map is quite necessary to have an abstract idea of the places where the hunt will commence. If you need to hire a guide, do so. At least you have someone who expertly knows the entire area. If you want, you can also use your GPS for a high-tech way of tracking the trails of the deer. By knowing your place of hunting, you can position your stands in the best locations, usually forty yards downwind of the spotted deer. Also invest time in the area by walking around, scouting, and taking down notes. This way, you’ll be comfortable with the area even before the deer hunting season begins.

After getting to know the place, the next thing to do is get to know the mammal. Deer has better vision at nighttime compared to daylight. Their pupils also open wider during the night. In addition, they have a reflective layer that acts as mirror at the back of their eyes, so they actually use light twice as people do. They also don’t filter UV light as humans do. As a result, they see with less detail but they notice UV light better. They also see orange, red and green as only one color, and blue-green looks somewhat different for them.

How are these applicable to hunting then? If deer sees better at night compared at daytime, then hunt during the day. If they can see UV light better, then whenever you hunt, never wear clothing previously washed with detergents that contain UV enhancers. You would just look like a glowing item for the deer. If they have reflective layers in their eyes, do not wear a well-polished boots as they will alert the deer. The same goes with well-polished guns. And since deer is color blind, solid colors will make you stand out, so don’t dare wear them.

Lastly, aim for your target. How else will you hunt a deer down if not by shooting the right way? On an average, the distance between a shooter and a target deer should be about nine inches. The best position in hitting a deer is through its broadside. The next best position from the broadside view is the quartering-away view. Aim for the exit hole, hitting through the deer in the opposite shoulder. These two methods of aiming for your targets have little rooms for error, as you are sure to hit the vital organs in these positions.

With these basic deer hunting tips, your sport will surely be a success.