What is a kingdom? A state or government having a king or queen as it's head. 2 An area in which one thing is dominate, a land ruled by a king or a queen.

What is a principality or principalities? A territory or region ruled by a prince or princess. A principality is a position of authority or jurisdiction of a prince or princess.

Often as christians we are not aware of the tactics of the enemy (satan). One reason satan has been so successful at deceiving people is because there is a lack of discernment, knowledge and teaching on the spiritual forces that are operating in the world. In order to defeat something you have to know what you are fighting against and how it operates, so you'll know how to defeat it.

Spirits are real. The devil is real.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

In other words this is not a natural fight but a spiritual one. Wrestle means to fight or struggle, So we fight not against flesh and blood (meaning Human vs Human) but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a spiritual world that exists / that operates and it has the ability to influence peoples minds, thoughts, decisions and circumstances. There are demons that are on assignment over certain regions and territories. They usually attack a certain nation, people and race. Satan sends them out to steal, kill and destroy. These are called demonic principalities, they have executive authority and rule in the world. Evil angels rule kingdoms of the world that oppose the truth of God.

Ephesian 2: 2 calls satan the prince of the power of the air. But Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9: 6}, {He is also called the Prince of Life. Acts 3:15

The rest of Ephesian 6: 12-18 Tells us how to effectively fight against the devil and his emps by equipping ourselves with the full amour of God.

I hope this food of thought has blessed you and edified your soul. Remember: IF GOD BE FOR YOU, THEN WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU.