We are all looking for the right person, the right person is someone who will respect you. What are signs of respect? Respect is someone paying attention to your desires in physical boundaries. Respect is someone not trying to hone in on your personal life, and take it over. Respect is someone treating you with empathy that you deserve. If you are not receiving these things, you need to cut that person out of your life and find someone who will respect you.

Physical boundaries can be something as simple as someone not standing to close to you and touching you all of the time. Think about teenages, and when they discover romance, they are always hanging on their partner, as an adult, we like our space most of the time. When someone constantly tries to stay so close they make you uncomfortable, it may be time to move onward. This can also be someone trying to push for physical intimacy before you are ready for it. People who respect you will respect the pace you want to have physical intimacy with them. Failure to do this it failing to respect your physical boundaries.

We all know that in the bloom of a new relationship people want to quickly become a part of each others lives. While we all want to incorporate a new person into our life, we may not want them to come in and take over. For example if you have a set boy/girls night, and your new romantic partner wants you to stop that, that is a warning sign they are not respecting you. You need to be on the look out for those who wish to rapidly dominate your life, those are individuals that are not healthy for you to be around.

If a person doesn’t give you empathy in your sad moments they aren’t likely to have the capacity to understand how you feel. This is the type of person you want to run away from. For example, say your having a horrible day, you have a flat, and your partner doesn’t understand why you may be running late. These people are likely not to be mature enough to understand what it takes to be in a relationship with someone else, and yes, that someone else includes you.

So, we all have to surround ourselves with others who respect us, this includes in both in romantic and non romantic relationships. We need to always surround ourselves with those of us who are healthy for us, and those who respect us. We have physical, emotional, and spritiual boundaries, being with someone that who can not respect your limits is not likely to be someone that will suddenly grow into having that ability. Limiting relationships with those who do not respect you is the better solution, rather than allowing unhealthy relationships grow and continue.