I have known several Millionaires in my time, and they had various traits in common. Now you could assume that I am going to relate to you that they were positive thinkers and in some ways, they were. However, these men had more than that going for them. Some were educated and others had street knowledge with remarkably little educational background. I must add that they enrolled in the Service as young adults. How do we become wealthy? What exactly do we need to know? Primarily, we need to understand the human mind. Secondly, we must be agreeable to the hard work and providing a service to other people. If all else fails, knowing how to control the emotions of people seems to come in handy.

Different people have a number of methods that they employ to seize opportunities in their world. Some have the audacity to play on the concerns of others, and are highly adept at this, like marketing experts. Other people look for what is missing in the lives of those around them and commence to provide. The one thing that all self-made Millionaires have in common is the drive to work! They labor at thinking of new ways to do the old things. Another thing they have in common is that they listen…they hear nearly everything that goes on around them.

Does positive thinking and self-improvement play into the grand scheme of things…when it comes to making money?

Not necessarily, the men whom I know of that have made a significant amount, understood people. They knew what made them desire to purchase their product or service and what to express verbally to make it transpire. They knew how to read people as well as get individuals to do what they desired. These men lost their fortunes more than once and some lost their families too. Does the hard work and money make us happy? One woman tells me, that she recognizes firsthand what the answer is. At the age of seventy-four, she says that she would prefer to have very little money.

Their Main Commonality was the Priority to Make Money!

One man decreased his life span, although he left a fortune to his family, while another one labors from sun up to sun down. All of these men invested in the education of their children and provided decent homes for their wives. They started with nothing and between tenacity and diligence, developed a legacy! Were they positive thinkers and did they create joyfulness in those lives they touched? Hardly, these men were moody and became consumed with anxiety, worry and regret. Did they touch their loved ones with wisdom? Perhaps if the children were inclined to watch and learn from them the answer is yes.

Therefore, what is required to become wealthy in this universe anyway, you may be wondering? First, you have to develop the mind of a Millionaire, and the rest will follow. If you have a willing heart, you too can become a success. You must understand yourself first and then people will have the ability to know you. Trust in yourself and other people will place their trust in you too. Most importantly think positive, believe in yourself, and bring joy into the lives of those around you. Lastly, remember that a lot of hard work never hurt anybody.