For those who have been following my series of articles on the national Sunday law issue will recognize that I am not against the idea. In fact, I strongly believe that this legislative action will become a reality in the no-too-distant future. But where I differ with Adventists on this issue is about the real purpose of a national Sunday law. I am very familiar with the position taken by the Adventist denomination, all of which I used to believe. But under the impact of new revelations from biblical research I was obliged to abandon those beliefs and stick to what is clearly revealed in the scriptures.

From my research of end-time Bible prophecy, I am of the opinion that the national Sunday law as a last-day issue will be part of a wider objective that the Devil is very anxious to execute. If you intend to put the national Sunday law issue in its proper perspective, you need to see this Sunday decree in a different light.

Where this national Sunday law issue is concerned you need to see a difference between Satan’s agenda and man’s agenda. The impending legislation in favour of the first day of the week is for the purpose of serving Satan’s agenda, not man’s. Today, when you hear about Sunday laws in different parts of the world, it is just the out-working of man’s agenda. The Devil will simply use man’s religious agenda as a stepping stone to achieve his real objective.

Under man’s agenda, the objective is for people to worship God on what is popularly regarded as the “Lord’s Day” or the “Christian Sabbath”. Man’s agenda has become so entrenched that people don’t need a law to make them attend church on a Sundays. This could not be the Devil’s endgame because under this arrangement he gets no homage and people are still being saved despite their ignorance of the true Sabbath! And this is the category in which the vast majority of Christians falls.

So, under this current religious order Satan cannot claim ownership of Sunday-keeping Christians because Christ has been accepting them in the same way He accepts the Sabbath keepers! Therefore, if Satan is to pursue this as his ultimate goal he would simply be ‘shooting himself in the foot’.

Anybody who is even half acquainted with the devices of this wily prince of evil will not find it difficult to subscribe to the idea that it has always been Satan’s ambition to be worshipped as a god. You will recall his blasphemous presumption, expressed in Isaiah 14:14, saying, “… I will be like the Most High”. You will also recall his blasphemous request for Christ to fall down and worship him (Matt. 4:9). Furthermore, the Bible clearly teaches that the Devil will eventually be worshipped by the world (Rev. 13:4)! This has always been his objective, and it has not changed.

With this ultimate aim in mind Satan will not sanction a national Sunday law in order to coerce us to worship God on Sundays instead of on Sabbaths. If that’s his real objective, he wouldn’t need a law in order to achieve this – the vast majority is already doing it! According to the clear teaching of end-time Bible prophecy, the enemy is going to introduce a new religious culture of outright devil worship, and that is the context in which a national Sunday law will be enforced!

In my e-book entitled ‘End-time Prophecy E-course’ I have presented a detailed and careful analysis of what this new religious order will be about and the role Sunday laws will play in this whole scenario. When we understand the true purpose of the Sabbath, then we will get a better idea of what this Sunday edict is intended to achieve.