How to Migrate from Canada to Dubai is a very large topic.

Many of Dubai's residents consider Canada to be an attractive place to live because of the fact that Canada has a fairly accepting culture and a good standard of living. However, a person who wishes to migrate from Dubai to Canada should first of all understand that Canada is very different from Dubai in many ways. One should be prepared for culture shock and a period of adaptation. One should also be prepared to meet the visa requirements for migrating to Canada to study, work or live.

How are Dubai and Canada Similar:

* Schools are similar in many aspects. There are both private and public English schools in Canada.
* Both countries enjoy good movies and entertainment.
* Western clothing is popular in both countries.
* Both Canada and Dubai have a large foreign population.
* Modern transportation can be found easily in both Canada and Dubai

How are Dubai and Canada Different:

* Dubai has an autocratic form of government. Canada, on the other hand, is a democracy.
* Dubai is hot and dry whereas Canada has all four seasons. Canadian winters are particularly cold.
* Social status is much more important in Dubai than it is in Canada.
* Dubai is a tourist hot spot that is facing challenging economic problems.

Despite the fact that Dubai is quite modern in a number of ways, the country still battles with inequality. Therefore, it is not surprising that those facing discrimination in Dubai due to social status seek to move elsewhere where such discrimination is not an issue. There are a number of options available for a person who wishes to move from Dubai to Canada. Following are some of the visa options available to a resident of Dubai.


Many people come to Canada to study. To do this, a person would need to apply for a study permit and temporary residence. An applicant would need to show a letter of acceptance from a school, college or university in Canada to obtain such a visa. A medical check and police certificate may also be required, while proof of support and bank statements from the last four months will also need to be shown.

Temporary Work:

To obtain this type of visa, a job offer from a company in Canada is required. The visa issued is known as a temporary work permit. One would need to commit to leaving Canada once his or her temporary work permit expires. One would also need to show that he or she has money in the bank. A medical and police certificate are required, as is a language test.

Self-Employed Visa:

A person would need at least two years of self-employment experience in managing a farm, cultural activities or sports to qualify for this visa. In short, one has to show that he or she can make a positive difference to Canada's cultural diversity. One would also need to show a bank statement proving means of support.


An entrepreneur will need to show a net worth of at least 300,000 Canadian dollars and a plan to invest up to 800,000 Canadian dollars in Canada.

Canadian Experience Class:

A person whose temporary visa is expiring may apply for a Canadian Experience Class visa. To successfully get this visa, one would need to show that he or she is familiar with the country, its culture and its way of life.

Now that you have the general information describing how to migrate to Canada from Dubai, check out the resources below in our bio to learn more details and requirements for immigrating to Canada.