One of the secrets to advertising success is to Get More Prospects To Respect Your Value. Isn’t it a pain when people don’t respect the price you charge? Well, it will also be painful to hear that it’s your fault! That’s right. If your customers are “shopping around” you haven’t convinced them of your value. And while respect is related to trust they are not the same thing at all.

Even if people trust you, that doesn’t mean they respect the value of what you are offering. It’s your job to educate them if you want to make the sale.

Here’s 3 sure ways to get that job done.

1. Provide evidence

Use testimonials and case studies to explain the immense value your customers will receive. This evidence will build value faster than anything else.

You’re probably already using both testimonials and case studies to develop trust but they are just as indispensable to build value. Here’s one time when multi-tasking is good. Take another look at your “success stories” and make sure they’re working hard to do both jobs.

Make it your mission to gather testimonials. If you ask your clients for testimonials they’ll probably want to write one for you, but most will feel insecure about how to write a good one. So they’ll put if off and it’ll never get done.

Offer to draft it for them and use this simple formula to write their story. “Once I was lost;Now I’m found”. Simply describe the persons situation before they experienced your product or service. Then paint the picture of what changed for them after using your product or service. The more specific and measurable the better. That sort of evidence will definitely raise respect for your value.

2. Dollars for cents copy

Dollars for cents copy helps the reader understand the real value on offer.

Now, everyone loves a bargain. So instead of just selling your product you can create an offer that is packed with bonuses. You can throw in so much value that the bonuses are actually worth more than the selling price. Of course the idea is to give away valuable bonuses that actually cost you very little.

You could do this by including downloadable products that you own or source from someone else who would like some free exposure so will provide a product at no cost to you. Whatever you do, make sure the bonuses are excellent quality and relevant to your product offer. And put a value on them so that by the time you add them all up they should be worth as much or more than the product you are selling.

In essence, the customer feels they are paying you just “cents” but getting “dollars” back in value. It makes the buying decision much easier when they are SURE they are getting a lot more value than what they are paying for. This is one technique you should always strive to use.

3. Have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

We’ve all heard of the Unique Selling Proposition but still a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs struggle to pin down what differentiates them from their competitors.

What is it that makes you queen or king?

What you really want to know is, why is your company or product unique? What about it is so special? You need to answer the following question in a clear and specific way.

“Why should I do business with you over anyone else?”

It’s that simple.

You have to tell people:-

  • Why you are the best
  • Why you offer them better value than anyone else, and
  • Why they should spend money with you, and not somebody else

That’s what a unique selling proposition is. It’s a statement. Sometimes a 3 line statement or just a few words. It’s that one core reason that someone should shop with you.

Use these techniques to have more prospects respect your value and you can literally set your sales soaring.