Drupal is a highly popular open source content management system that allows you to build websites. Drupal has a large community of contributors and users. Drupal has over 7000 contributed modules or extensions that people can download and install. A number of Fortune 500 companies are using Drupal to build social websites to interact with their users. Mobile platform has a great influence on Drupal web CMS.

The fastest growing technology trend has been previewing of website on mobile devices for accessing online content on the go. We might be stepping into a world where instead of designing for desktop websites first, you might end up designing for a mobile version first and then desktop websites comes second. When people started using iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices, smartphone users are increasingly seen viewing web content. With the phenomenal increase in the consumption of website content on smartphones and tablets, there has been a raging demand for mobile friendly websites. Accessing the mobile version of website has also seen an exponential growth which is keen to match the demand for the mobile devices. More and more companies are adding mobile version to their existing website, which is seen as a natural extension to online space. However, the rise in smartphone visitors has not been as great as increase in mobile-enabled sites. Most of the webpages are not optimized for smaller screens. Developers have shown tremendous enthusiasm in developing a plethora of applications for iPhone and Android platforms. Here jQuery Mobile steps in!

jQuery Mobile is a powerful JavaScript framework optimized for touchscreen devices, which enables developers to create a mobile version of a website quickly to users with full functionality. jQM has a library which leverages CSS3 and HTML5 web standards to develop mobile web apps with native experience. jQM applies HTML5 data-role attributes within the existing template optimized for mobile-enabled website without the need to create separately a mobile version. One of the advantages of using jQM library is the ease of use and simplicity in converting existing content formatted for a mobile browser. jQM addresses the problem of user experience and provides touch-optimized interface elements for multiple mobile platforms.

Drupal is aiming to be the number one platform to build Drupal to mobile web applications. jQuery Mobile and Drupal plays well together. In order to work well on cross platform mobile platform, Drupal and jQM compatibility issues and Module and Theme integration needs to be fulfilled.