Hiring the services of a Metatrader Programmer is critical to most Forex traders. Since traders often deal with money while trading in the real markets, the price of inaccurate or poor programming on their custom software can be costly. Therefore, it is imperative to have a good criteria when choosing a programmer. Here are some of the best qualities to look for in Metatrader programmers.

Technical Skills

This is the single most important quality to look for in Metatrader programmers. Most programmers often offer free samples of their programming works. They may either email them or send you download links to their portfolio. If they didn’t send samples, ask for some. Test those samples so you can get an idea on the skills of the programmer you would like to consider working with.

After disclosing your strategy with your programmer, ask him on how he would implement the rules of the trading system or idea. More often than not, a good programmer has already developed some plans on implementation, even though he hasn’t started on the project yet. He might even offer some programming improvements on top of your trading ideas.

Communication Skills

No matter how skilled your programmer is in Metatrader programming, if he has poor communication skills, it can gravely affect the quality of his programming works. If you cannot find a programmer who speaks or can write in your native language, look for someone who has good command of the English language. Some programmers have assistants who possess good communication skills. However, it is important to make sure to get your messages across and make sure that the programmer assigned to developing your software understands your instructions well.

It also helps if your programmer is knowledgeable in Forex trading. That way, you can freely express your ideas with your programmer without having to rephrase a lot of trading jargon.


Does your programmer follow the rules of etiquette and netiquette? How punctual is he when returning your emails? Does he deliver his software within the promised deadline? How does he respond when you there are problems with the developed software? These are some of the questions you have to ask yourself when evaluating a Metatrader programmer. Forex Traders often work with programmers whom they do not meet face to face. The observance of professionalism for both parties not only fosters a harmonious working relationship, but also helps bring projects reach a successful conclusion.


The fact is, most programmers are flexible when it comes to time. Due to the nature of their work, staying up till late night or early morning is often considered normal. However, it is still good know your programmer’s availability. Remember that the internet is a global community, and most likely, the programmers you consider working with are located elsewhere. Knowing each other’s location and timezone may help both parties adjust their own schedules.

No good Forex trader would allow their own trading system to deteriorate due to bad programming. Excellent trading systems are essential to successful Forex trading. And when it comes to automating trading ideas and strategies, programming skills are equally important. Hence, traders should carefully assess their programmers’ skills and qualities before deciding to work with them.