The new buzzword in the context of advertisement and marketing is e-mail marketing. The series of questions which comes up in your mind after hearing it are what is e-mail marketing? How it is carried out? What are its advantages? And what are the pros and cons in this context?

To explain to a layman, e-mail marketing is basically the advertising and direct marketing done by the companies and organization of any products and event by sending e-mails to mass in their mailbox.

Tips & Tricks

"" Form "line of the mail must be very strong to make the person to read the mail.

"Subject line of the mail has to be attractive to compel to read the mail.

"The mail must be concise & focused. Formatting must be done with lot of white space so that it is easily readable.

"None from the inside of the organization should assess the e-mail send mailed for the campaign. Any one who is unbiased and does not belong to the organization must always do assessment.

"Use of Viral E-mail marketing

"Opt in e-mail

"Bulk e-mail marketing

"E-mail newsletter marketing

"Offering of incentives are to be done to the person those who have major contribution in the campaigning.

"Avoid e-mail marketing during the holidays.

"You must not forget the preview pane in your campaign

"Experiment must be done with link placement in newsletters for maximizing performance.

"Get newsletter subscribers with sweepstakes

Compelling Letters

The key to any product marketing and advertisement is to make a person read the mail, which has been delivered in his mailbox. This is most fundamental and key operation from where e-mail marketing starts. Following information will be helpful to you to write a mail to reach out to your potential customers.

"Create a clear call to action in e-mail marketing campaigns
Make sure the recipients of your email marketing message know what you expect them to do (and what they can expect in return).

"Avoid using $$$ signs in e-mails send out during campaigns

"Remember the preview pane in your campaign. Move the boring stuff down the page, and greet recipients with your best offer instead.

"Emphasize must be laid on words, not on exclamation marks in your copy.

"Putting the right links in the right places in your newsletters is very important for maximizing performance.

"Reflection of your cooperate design through your e-mail is very necessary. Making the reader know that the marketing is for your product.

"Whether to publish your newsletter, as HTML or plain text must be decided by your recipients.

"Make landing pages fit your e-mail marketing campaign. A campaign for email marketing is nothing without any landing page, so be certain that it visually belongs to the campaign and doesn't irritate the user.

"" How can I do this? "Content ideas are very essential.

"To provide useful service and prove your expertise in the field consolidating news are required in the mails, which are send.

"Pre filling of forms on landing pages. Make purchasing easy by pre filling forms on pages reached from your newsletter.

Viral Marketing

This is a kind of chain reaction. Once a recipient is mailed he then forwards the mails to his friends and relatives and this reaches a very large population of people in search of potential customers for the product or event.

Requirement for this type of campaign

"A very good concept of marketing and advertising principles

"Forwarding of e-mails by sign up offers

"Driving of website traffic is required

"Design of incentives programmers are required which can be handy for the future campaigns

"Advertisement can generate revenue. More people see or click on the ad when the e-mail gets forwarded.

Outcomes of viral e-mail marketing

"Exponential rise in number of people able to read the mail.

"A sort of brand exposure is reached

"Product information and cross-selling takes place

"Generation of revenue is established.

"Getting names of anonymous subscribers helps conversion of users into subscribers whom you can personally greet by asking their name.


"It is less expensive compared to other media investments such as direct mail or printed newsletters

"Properly and e-mail marketing has given high return on investment.

"In comparison to mailed advertisement it is instant and lets the advertiser" push "the message to its audience.

"Measuring of open rates, positive or negative responses, correlating sales with marketing can be done.

"With" track to basket "exact Return on investment can be calculated.

"It has no impact on the environment.

Mistakes committed

"" Register "and" buy "in subject lines are common.

"To avoid mistakes during campaign outsiders must be given the responsibility to asses the mails as the outsider would be unbiased

"Negatives feedback should be reduced while viral marketing as far as possible.
Companies considering an e-mail marketing program must be certain that their program doesn't infringe Spam laws for example the United States Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act, the European Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 or their Internet provider's acceptable use policy.