Mobile phones have no sooner became the more preferred medium for online shopping. Shoppers are deliberately ditching desktops and laptops and taking up smartphones to buy things because they are extra convenient. So, with the mobile shopping revolution rapidly setting in, it has become imperative for eCommerce to get their stores optimised for mobile views.

However, while a considerable number of online shoppers are seen to buy things online, a much greater number than that have complained about pages to be too small to access in mobile screens. This calls for immediate action by every retailer to make their store mobile-responsive irrespective of the platform used to build them. Luckily, if your store is built with Magento, things are quite easy as many expert Magento developers have prompted effective practices to make site mobile ready. Catch up here some of them.

Update your store with the latest version

Magento Commerce aims to provide ‘seamless shopping everywhere’. It comes with Mobile First Commerce, which helps in optimising the store for smaller mobile screens. Thus, if your website is running in some old version, the first thing to do is update it to the latest version of Magento Commerce. Mobile-first commerce assures everything at once, from a mobile-friendly checkout to responsive themes and optimise UX/UI.

Work on the loading speed

If your store does not load fast on desktops, it would be even slower in the mobile screens. A part of the design will not appear or clicking any elements on the page won’t work. If more of your customers are accessing from mobiles, then before you lose a great sales optimise the load time with caching plugin, optimising the images and videos.

Provide simplified payments

The reason more people shop through mobiles is the convenience. The convenience is to pay with a tap with PayPal, Google Pay, Amazon Pay or other eWallet integrations. So, mobile eCommerce optimisation involves checkout optimisation too. While MagentoCommunity simplifies that mobile payments with digital wallets integrations, join solemnly the Magento Community Initiative to get access to applications like HiConversion that help in checkout optimisation.

Cut-down third-party advertisements

If your Magento site is flooded with too many pop-up ads, floating tabs for offers, deals etc., it may annoy the users more who view the site on mobiles. It is thus better you reduce or drop the ads and instead channel the ads or deals to customers through their emails.

Replace the heavy content

While a good amount of high-quality content gives you an upper hand in SEO and also looks good in the bigger screens, it can bog down the site when opened in smaller mobile screens. Half of the content can cut-off from the display screen. For mobile optimisation, you need to reduce the content and organise them into smaller fragmented sections. Enough of white spaces is too an important element to enhance mobile readability.

Mobile eCommerce optimisation is no doubt made the easiest with Magento platform. So, sweat no more with your non-optimised website making a substantial loss of sales but turn to a skilled Magento experts team who can make your store great for mobile traffic.