If you are looking for a website which is a complete content management system and has plugins for social media, then WordPress would be a good choice. Initially a tool for bloggers, WordPress has seen continuous growth and today it is used widely as a content management system. Various developers of the open source community have contributed towards its development and today it is much more than just a tool for bloggers.

WordPress development is quite simple as there are a variety of templates and themes available to choose from. You can modify these templates as per your business requirement.

Here are a few practical tips for creating WordPress websites that are creative as well as user – friendly.

While creating a website, users do not want it to be slow. There are many factors that make the loading of a web page slow. The template theme that you have chosen, the plugins that you are using and the code design are few of the factors that contribute to the speed with which the web page loads. It is advisable to choose a design that has been optimized for the desktop, the tablet and mobile device. Responsive designs ensure that all pages have the same URL.

WordPress offers a large number of plugins. Before installing a plugin you need to ask yourself “Is the plugin really required?” Most of the performance issues in websites are due to plugins and you should install a plugin only if it is necessary.

Too many images on your webpage also cause the webpage to load slowly. You can optimize your images using Photoshop or other applications. Convert them to PNG before uploading them to the website.

While choosing the theme for your website, keep the user or customer in mind and choose the theme accordingly. The interface that you create should fit the needs of the end – user. Talking to users always helps, as novice users may give you inputs which you may have been taking for granted.

Building websites that take into account all the above factors can be quite intimidating and you need to have knowledge and experience while building large websites.

If you are new to WordPress you can take advice from WordPress development companies who offer development services and can help you choose the right theme, template and plugins. The WordPress professionals can provide you with the right choices you need to make so that your website is optimized and user- friendly.

Many companies offer WordPress development services which are affordable and reasonable. By hiring such companies, you get the required expertise suitable for your business. You can also use their support after deployment in case you require further enhancements or improvements to your website.