A clothing that never goes out of style is the jeans. It is a basic apparel that we all love to wear because it is both comfortable and chic. Many of us invest in great looking branded jeans and it never hurt to pay a few hundred bucks more on a pair of good jeans because we know it is worth the extra money that we are willing to shell out.

However, for the great majority who cannot afford to buy branded jeans, there are a lot of non-brand jeans in several online stores that cost just a small fraction of the expensive branded jeans. In my opinion, it is more profitable to sell non-brand jeans especially at this time when people are reeling from the effects of the economic recession. The mass market which is the clientele for non-brand jeans constitute the bulk of the buying market and because of their number the retailer stands to earn so much more from selling non-brand jeans.

The most inexpensive sources of non-brand jeans are from suppliers that sell wholesale lots of jeans. A wholesale lot is a bundle of assorted items that comes at a very cheap price. Because items are bought in bulk, the wholesalers are able to give good discounts that considerably bring down the prices of the products. A wholesale lot containing a bulk load of jeans would have a variety of non-brand jeans in different sizes. A retailer can add a high mark-up on each piece or pair and still be able to sell these at affordable prices.

Many countries also import from China because their products are very cheap. This is so because the labor cost in that country is very cheap too. Initially, you may want to look for a local wholesaler who imports from China. The internet can provide you with a variety of suppliers for wholesale lots of jeans but be careful that you do not fall in the hands of fake suppliers because it is easy to be victimized with their modus operandi especially if you are a newbie in online selling. As you browse the internet you would also notice that most suppliers are selling branded jeans because there are only a few suppliers who carry non-brand jeans. Just keep looking and you will definitely find a supplier dealing with non-brand jeans.

If you want to be creative with non-brand jeans, you can actually jazz it up with your own design and perhaps come up with your own brand name also. In this way you can sell it for a higher profit and make the jeans more marketable as you have made it look more stylish. Or, you can leave the jeans as it is, because consumers will still buy them and create their own embellishments on the jeans.