E-commerce helps business owners to conduct their business online by using various applications that rely on the internet. Brands which do not have this facility to process online transactions may fall behind their competitors. So, to reach new markets and keep their business open for 24/7, business owners are setting up e-commerce websites. But when it is all about creating an online store, there are many things that need to be considered. One of the most important things is which platform should be used to power the e-commerce website? The open source platform Magento has become very popular and boasts a lot of its features and functionalities.

Selecting Magento as your e-commerce platform offers a combination of highly scalable designs and extensive network support. Online retailers can easily give shape to their fully functional and well-designed web business and enhance their sales.

Some power-packed features of Magento:

Open Source Platform: Magento is an open source platform and so it can be easily downloaded for free. It is because of this feature that developers can easily modify the source code and add some new functionality by installing or creating add-ons and plug-ins according to the business requirements.

Device Compatibility: E-commerce websites that are developed using Magento platform enjoy an extensive assortment of media devices. The application can be easily downloaded whether you are using your personal computer or a mobile phone. This helps the business owners to attract more customers, even those who cannot view some of the applications due to compatibility issues.

In Built Marketing Tools: The most appealing features of Magento is that it consists of an assortment of built in marketing tools that makes adding and editing functionalities within the e-commerce site very easy. To boost your online sales, you can use these tools and adjust the accessibility of your site.

Scalable and User Friendly Platform: Whether you have a small business or a large enterprise, or any specific and sophisticated requirements, Magento is highly scalable and can be easily customized to satisfy any business needs. Effective layout makes it easy to display the products. People therefore find it easy to search products and this offers a great buying experience. Multiple images, product reviews are some features that make it the most used e-commerce platform.

Multi-Lingual Support: Magento supports about 60 languages. This makes it easy for business owners to reach out to the wide range of customers who are spread all over the world. Moreover it also supports various currencies and many payment gateways.

Analytics and Reporting: Magento comprises of features that can augment the performance of your online business as it is associated with Google Analytics, Google Base and Google Checkout. This helps to measure the performance of the site and give you a report on search terms, most viewed products, etc.

Payment and Security Options: Magento allows various payment methods like Authorize.net. PayPal, Google etc. This helps the customers to pay through money orders, credit cards and purchase their desired items easily. It is also a secured platform and the implementation of dedicated IP and SSL security is easy.