This brain entrainment review is based on ‘Neuro Programmer 3’, a much anticipated release by The Transparent Corporation. After finding the previous version an incredibly useful tool for self development and therapy, I decided to check out the demo for NP3’s ‘Ultimate Edition’.

The first thing I noticed was the number of available presets, which now cover more areas than the previous version. There are thirteen different categories, with many sessions to choose from under each one. For example, the ‘Self-Programming’ category includes, amongst many others, an Alpha session to encourage a greater efficacy for mental visualisation, plus a Theta session designed to make you more receptive to affirmations.

The amount of control you have over these affirmations is quite extensive. The ‘auto-dual’ induction is particularly helpful. This technique is very popular in hypnosis, and involves playing two different messages simultaneously – one in each ear. This creates the necessary confusion required to create a gap in your conscious mind, so that the messages can take root in your subconscious.

There is a panning feature also, so that affirmations which appeal to your creativity can be played in the left ear, which is processed by your right-brain (the creative, more abstract hemisphere), while the more logical statements can be played in your right ear, which is governed by your left-brain (the logical side). As each side is being spoken to in accordance to its own language, there is a lesser chance of resistance. Reverb and echo can also be added to enhance the hypnotic effect.

The one thing which I feel is missing is a ‘back masking’ feature. Considering the object of hypnosis is to bypass the critical faculty, the option of back masking the affirmations would come in handy. This is only a minor gripe though. You can instead record and reverse your own affirmations within an audio program such as audacity, and subsequently import it into your NP session.

You can of course edit your sessions, over which you have ultimate control. You can create many layers (tracks) of audio, which can include either isochronic, monaural or binaural beats. As well as adding affirmations, you can choose from the many available sound file tracks such as night-sounds, rain, wind-chimes, streams, etc. These background sounds serve to increase your mind’s absorption to the programming, and can be synced to the brainwave-frequency of the main track.

These custom sessions can be exported either as program files or WAVs/MP3s. In the case of program files, you can share these with other users on the Transparent Corp. forum by including a session description, instructions, audio recommendation (headphones or speakers), and an ‘eye recommendation’ (eyes open or closed).

The setup wizard on NP2 is still present – this includes a series of questions designed to help adjust program settings, so that a session can be tailored to your needs. This is quite a neat touch, as you can quickly find a suitable session according to your current state of mind.

Another feature I like is the ‘Session Options’. With this you can program your computer to either standby or shutdown when your session ends. This is particularly useful when using the sleep-aid.

In conclusion, The Transparent Corporation have improved on the previous instalment by creating a program which is pristine in sound-production quality, and is more receptive to user-input. They have done so by still retaining a level of user friendliness. The software is very stable, doesn’t eat up your CPU, and generally runs quite smoothly. It is highly recommended for those who wish to master their own minds.