Choosing a perfect CMS development company for your website isn’t just going with the company that can offer you the cheapest solution for your business. When you think about it, selecting the right Sitefinity CMS partner is actually about entrusting them with your entire business. Studies have revealed that any mistake in selection may result in a huge loss in the long run through missed business opportunities and a loss of both time and money. With increased cloud applications being developed and daily activities and operations becoming more and more automated, it is very important to choose service providers who can offer the best solutions for your business.

Here we have discussed a few important questions that you should ask your Sitefinity service providers:

You must be aware that Sitefinity is a fully featured enterprise CMS that is user friendly and scalable. With the right implementation partner, you can have a high performing and rich website.

In which CMS is your team specialized in?

A CMS platform is ever changing and robust and it takes quite a few projects to master the functionalities. So, before choosing your Sitefinity partner, ask them the platforms they have worked on and if their team focuses on Sitefinity and have expertise in it or not.

How many years of experience do you have?

Any software service provider working on Sitefinity recently, will not be aware of the challenges that they face while developing Sitefinity CMS websites. It is important that the developers have experience with the versions of the CMS and have gained huge experience from performing numerous Sitefinity upgrades.

Do you have any experience in integrating third party tools with Sitefinity?

While planning to develop a website based on Sitefinity, you should consider that your development partner should have knowledge in integrating a wide variety of third party tools and systems like CRM software, product databases, maps, data feeds and more. While the third party tools have some existing connectors for Sitefinity CMS, it is also important that your development partner has the ability to write custom integrations.

Are all your processes compliant with GDPR regulations?

Data security, privacy, accessibility is of crucial importance and so many laws and regulations are introduced to address these concerns. The GDPR is being introduced to safe guard the data protection rights of the customers and it is crucial that your partner has experience in assisting your business with compliance.

What is your QA process?

It is very important that while developing your Sitefinity website, your development partner has an in-house team for a formal quality assurance process. Testing should not be the sole responsibility of the developer. A professional team having experience should continue with the testing part while the development is going on.

How do you plan for a project before the coding starts?

Before developing a project, there are some considerations that are specific to CMS implementation and that should be taken care of even before the development process begins. You should know that your service provider creates a blueprint regarding the project before the coding starts to ensure smooth functioning of the project.

Do you have any file backup and recovery system?

Your Sitefinity development partner should maintain a transparent process so as to instill confidence and manage the code and deployment effectively. Find out if they will offer you file backup and any recovery process while developing the project. They should also have a check list while deploying the codes in order to reduce potential downtime.

Do you support a mobile strategy?

Since more and more people are using their mobiles to download application or purchase products and services without even visiting the site, it is very important that your Sitefinity development partner has the skills to develop mobile optimized websites in a hassle free manner. Whether it is about creating an app from various mobile devices or creating a responsive design, an experience company will do it all for you.