Uganda may not export the 20 million bags of coffee by 2025 if production is not increased.
Currently, Uganda exports only 4.6 million bags, far below the target of 20 million.
This is according to former finance minister Ezra Suruma who is part of the teamtrying to find ways of how to increase coffee production in the country so as to achieve the 20 million bags.
Suruma called for the reorganization of coffee farmers into groups so they can be supported to produce enough quality coffee.
“The most important is strengthening coffee farm organisations and produce cooperatives because 85% of the coffee produced in Uganda is by smallholders, who can only be assisted while in groups,” he said.
Suruma added that small holder farmers who are the biggest producers of coffee are constrained with the changing weather patterns, counterfeit inputs, which can be addressed by the government once they are in groups.
Suruma made the observation during the just concluded Africa Fine Coffees Association Conference in Kampala
“We are behind in producing varieties that are resistant to diseases and drought, so we need to do a lot of work .Instead of distributing old varieties, we can distribute the new ones that are hopefully high yielding and resistant to drought and diseases,” Suruma said
Other initiatives that will increase coffee production according to Suruma include the China Uganda deal that needs 1.8 million bags, emerging markets such as Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Russia need of 1.2 million bags, while proper branding of Uganda’s coffee will lead to a demand of 2 million bags.