Despite decline in July, annual estimate is kept. In July, coffee exports exceeded one million 62,000 bags, 6.2% up from the one million bags exported in the same month of 2017.

Bogotá, August6, 2018 (FNC Press Office) -During the last 12 months (August 2017-July 2018), Colombian coffee production slightly exceeded 14 million 60-kg bags, a production pace that is expected to be kept for the fourth calendar year in a raw.

The volume produced in the last 12 months was just 2.1% down from over 14.3 million registered in the same previous period.

In July, the coffee crop was 1,051,000 bags, 322,000 bags less than those harvested in the seventh month of 2017. And year-to-date production was almost 7.6 million bags, 2.1% down from the over 7.7 million produced in the same previous period.