TAGS: #hunting

Deer hunting season is upon us this fall in many states and I am so excited that I can hardly wait to put on my ridiculous looking bright orange hunting clothing and accessories so I can hit the outdoors.
My wife teases me about how silly I look in my bright orange hunting gear but if I were to leave the house without it she would be terrified for my safety and would think I have lost my mind for not wearing the correct gear for deer hunting safety.
As I double checked my gear in anticipation of the deer hunting season opening right around the corner it got me to think just how important it is to be safe out there.
Deer hunting is a fun outdoor sport but just like any type of sport you must adhere to certain safety precautions to avoid injury or even death. And not just your safety but that of your fellow hunters.
Deer hunting after all involves a lot of eager men, women, and children out there armed with high powered rifles and unfortunately not everyone is as safety conscious as they should be.
7 Deer hunting safety tips
- Wear the bright orange hunting clothing gear so you can be easily seeing and not confused with a deer. Not only is it safe but it’s also required by law.
- Do not pull the trigger unless unless you are sure without doubt, that your target is a deer. Sounds like a no-brainer but you would be amazed that the most hunting accidents are from hunters shooting other hunters by accident.
- Let your family and/or friends know when you’re going hunting, where, and what time you’re expected to be back home.
- Check the weather forecast.
- If at all possible, avoid hunting alone.
- Use your own tree stand and make sure it’s installed or built safety before you climb up on it.
- Take care of your hunting equipment before and after the hunt.
Hunt Safe – Have Fun
Hunting is a fantastic and fun outdoor activity. Not only is it a great form of getting exercise but it allows you to spend time outdoors with your friends and family and even your dog.
By following the hunting safety tips outline above not only do you ensure your safety but that of your fellow hunters (both the two and four legged hunters).
Please keep those hunting safety tips in mind each time so we can all have a safe and fun hunting experience.
When you pick up your deer hunting license ask for safety brochures or check your states department of natural resources agency website they will have printable safety tips.