TAGS: #coffee

Is there such a thing as truly useless solution? I would think not, particularly in light of the wealth of information on how to reuse things of little value. Things that most people undervalue, for example, glass, lumber, wood pulp, paper, used rubber tires, and in the scope of this article. I guess it truly is a case of one man's trash is another man's treasure. As it turns out, this treasure, in this case, used coffee grounds, can be put to more than one use, in fact, I can list 15 uses right now.
1. Insect control
Insect control – There is currently an online meme going around that spraying used coffee grounds on your plants and skin will repel mosquitoes, particularly ones that carry Zika Virus. There is in fact no scientific literature to demonstrate this, although there is some evidence research-wise that spraying coffee and used coffee grounds on mosquito breeding sites inhibited the embryogenesis of mosquito larvae, and thus significantly reduced the number of mosquito larvae that successfully matured into adults.
2. Fertilizer
For plants that like acidic soil, such as hydrangeas, rhododendrons, camellias, roses, blueberries, magnolia trees, etc. Used coffee ground can serve as a source of excellent fertilizer. Some flowers will even change colors depending on the pH level of the surrounding soil, so put the blue in your hydrangea bloom, with used coffee grounds!
3. Carrots and radical growth
Carrots and radishes work great with used coffee grounds. Sprinkling the latter onto the former before planting will help the little seedlings grow faster and provide an extra boost when they are just germinating, you are sure to reap larger produce as a result. A literal example of reaping what you sow!
4. Growing your own mushrooms
Do you like to eat mushrooms? They can be quite the delicacy. Certain types of mushrooms are amenable to being grown in containers filled with used coffee grounds. For example, the pearl oyster mushrooms. Grow your own 'shrooms today and become a spore farmer!
5. Clean your fireplace
Clean your fireplace. Adding some damp coffee grounds to your fireplace will enable you to sweep all the ash away without creating a billowing cloud of dust.
6. Deodorize your fridge
Does your fridge smell like a garbage dump? Use it to keep it smelling fresh and pristine. Works even better than baking soda.
7. Pet anti-flea bath
Add some coffee grounds to your dog or cat's shampoo to deliver a flea repellent flea bath.
8. Strip hair buildup
Adding some to your shampoo or conditioner can strip oil and other buildup from your hair.
9. Remove eye bags
It can help you in other ways in the mornings too. In this case they can be used to reduce the dark circles under your eyes.
10. "Salting" the street
Caught in a snow storm? Reduce your chances of getting snowed in by using coffee grounds to "salt" the roads and sidewalks. Used coffee grounds make for great gravel and the acidic content helps to burns through the ice faster.
11. Make garbage disposal cleaners
Did you know you can make garbage disposal cleaners using it? You can make them using just the coffee grounds, epsom salt, baking soda, a little vinegar, and maybe a little vanilla.
12. Unblogging your drain
It can also be used to unclog your drain. All that's needed is boiling water, a little dish soap, and the used coffee grounds. Just 3 drops of dish soaps, a pot of boiling water, and the grounds will cleanse the drain of grease and clogs.
13. Get rid of odors
It can be used to get rid of odors after chopping up foul smelling things. Just rub them on your hands and wash afterwards. The grounds will neutralize the odor.
14. Pan cleaning
Do you have caked-on dirt on your pans? If so, some coffee grounds sprinkled on a rag will remove them easily, just do not use it on ceramic dishes and other types that stain easily.
15. Air freshener creation
l Have you ever wanted an air freshener that smells like coffee beans? Just double up a pair of lady's stockings with some used coffee ground inside of it and tie off, and voila! A coffee air freshener, who knew innovation could be so easy?