TAGS: #millionaires

Title and Author: 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy
Synopsis of Content:
Brian Tracy is a very successful business man and consultant who also has some higher education. He has developed a reputation for his knowledge of what works in business. He has worked with and studied self made millionaires and other successful people and here provides the simple formula for success.
In this simple and very brief little book Tracy covers his list of 21 essentials to be a self made millionaire. Nothing here will surprise you however the style and manner of his presentation is enjoyable and easy to follow.
Tracy touches on the true essentials for personal success. Each chapter is no more than 4 pages long. The entire book including index is only 80 pages long. You can sit down and read this little gem in an hour.
If you find yourself struggling with success (or failure) and you do not know where to start to change your life to move on to success this is a great primer. Read it more than once and absorb the wisdom here. It is the genuine thing.
His chapters address the importance of having a big dream; developing a clear sense of direction and maintaining it; seeing yourself in control of your own destiny by seeing yourself self employed; do what you love to do; commit to excellence; work longer and harder; dedicate yourself to lifelong learning; pay yourself first; master the details of your business; dedicate yourself to serving others; maintain absolute integrity; concentrate on your highest priorities; develop a reputation for speed and dependability; climb from peak to peak; practice self discipline in all things; unlock your creativity; associate with the right people; take good care of your health; be decisive and action oriented; never allow failure to be an option and be forever persistent.
These are all tried and true. They are all the gold standard of success advice. Tracy gives some brief illustrations and develops each item only long enough to explain it.
Readability/Writing Quality:
This book is very easy to read. Each chapter is short. The entire book can be read an hour or less.
Notes on Author:
Brian Tracy is a professional speaker, trainer and consultant. He is also a self-made millionaire.
He has a Masters Degree from Columbia Pacific University. He has worked with over 22 different companies over the years. He began lecturing and teaching in 1981 and has done so ever since, translated in 20 languages around the world.
Three Great Ideas You Can Use:
1. You must develop your sense of direction and then commit yourself to seeing through your dreams through action.
2. Master your business and your own potential through continued education in your area of business and through constant learning to improve your own abilities.
3. Practice self discipline and persistence, the two most important qualities to reach success.
Publication Information:
21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy
Copyright: 2001 by Brian Tracy
Published by Executive Books
General Rating: Very Good