TAGS: #trouble

The following article will share with you three (3) tips you can use to curb behavior problems and keep your Pit Bull healthy too.
Tip #1: K9 to 5. Work is a must.
By work I mean something your Pit Bull must do in order to shed excess energy. A job is not only a great way to exercise your dog, it’s also a great way to curb behavior problems.
How does this curb behavior problems?
From my own research and experience I can tell you with 100% confidence that 95% of all behavior problems are caused by lack of stimulation.
In short, your big lovable Pit Bull is out and out bored stupid.
A bored dog will start to exhibit negative behaviors in order to relieve this excess stress caused by being bored.
Your task, give your dog something to do. Herding, agility, obedience, weight pulling, tracking, any of these would be a great job for your Pit Bull.
Tip #2: Cut out the Lap dog Routine.
Did I just say to stop loving your Pit Bull?
Not at all, what I mean is, there is a time for love and a time for your dog to be a dog.
When asked why Rover is jumping I respond by asking how much do you spoil Rover?
9 times out of 10 I get a list of things from all day, to oh he’s just like my baby, to he loves to lie on the couch for 20 hours a day!
Read that last one. There’s the answer to Rover’s jumping problem.
He’s giving too much love.
It’s possible and it happens all the time.
Pit Bulls are Pit Bulls not children or people.
They need structure and leadership. Not over-bearing you are so cute I just want to squeeze your cheeks until you pop, attention.
Your task is to give them less attention and more of what they really need. Structure and leadership.
Again, I’m not saying you shouldn’t love your dog or spoil them. But there has to be a limit to how much you give them both.
Tip #3: Do you walk or do you stroll?
A stroll is a short, light walk around the block or up to the local store for a soda and some bubble gum.
A walk is 2-12 miles of exercise that every single Pit Bull must have every single day in order to thrive.
What? 2 miles! Are you crazy?
Dogs, by nature (you know that funny lady Mother Nature has her quirks) are roaming animals.
Watch wild dogs, they run for miles upon miles, they hunt by out lasting their prey through stamina.
Pit Bulls while domesticated are much the same. They need long walks everyday in order to really get rid of that super energy they are known for.
Your task is to add 1-2 miles to your walk over the next 7-10 days.
In summary
Without work, structure and exercise, Pit Bulls will turn the stress resulting from the lack of these critical canine needs into negative, annoying behaviors.
I have never, not once seen a Pit Bull with a job that gets plenty of exercise jump on guests, bark all day long, or chew the couch into 10,000 little chunks.
Work gives them mental and physical stimulation and releases stress.
Structure gives them security and safety from the “wild” things out there in the world.
Exercise gives fulfills their instincts to roam and investigate the world around them.
After you have given your dog these three things, then give them the love and attention they deserve.
If you think I’m crazy, that your dog gets plenty of exercise and that’s not the reason they misbehave, try it out for yourself. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.
What are you waiting for?
Go for it!