TAGS: #rich people

There are many ways to get rich and some of them are not exactly reliable but you can get rich by marrying money. That is one way, many people recognize, well people are people, you will have the same old problems with anyone so you may as well marry somebody wealthy.
This is fair and reasonable logic, not for everyone but there are people that think that way. Another approach if you were born with rich parents is the strategy of just out living rich relatives. Sure you may be pretty old yourself and you may have lived a poor life until your time comes, but that is in some peoples minds a legitimate approach to wealth.
Others work for a living but pin their hopes on a weekly lottery ticket. Although it is true someone wins every week, in reality and looking at the odds realistically, all your weekly lottery ticket purchase gives you is a little dream time. The odds are so far against you that the possibility is laughable for anyone who is serious about being wealthy.
Still others get the idea that all wealthy people are dishonest anyway, so they decide to apply their own strategy to get rich along the notion that these rich people couldn’t have got rich unless they took the money from somebody else. In actual fact they are so far from the truth it is not funny. Wealthy people became wealthy not because they stole from others, wealthy people got rich because they created value from thin air and sold it to people that want it. But these confused people may indeed sell their soul and turn to crime of one sort or another.