TAGS: #hate

The United States of America was founded on specific, core principles, emphasizing certain freedoms and liberties, in order to differentiate, and distinguish us, from much of the rest of the world. Our Founding Fathers envisioned this, and we have evolved, despite some bumps – in – the – road, to evolve accordingly, addressing both, our heritage, as well as evolving times, needs, and priority. The goal of our public officials must be, to unify, rather than polarize, and seek common ground, rather than, merely, anyone's self – interest, and personal agenda! We might say, America, and what it represents, loses, when HATE , trumps love! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters, and why it's important.
1. Healing; head / heart: In recent times, we have witnessed, far more divisive, public leadership, than we have in the past! This has come – to – a – head, in the past year – and – a – half, because of the approach, and articulations of President Trump, as well as his rhetoric and vitriol, during the previous campaign period. Wouldn't America be better served, if our leaders emphasized healing, and finding common ground / meeting – of – the – minds, rather than, apparently, favoring his core supporters, at the expense of other Americans? We need a leader, who uses, both his emotional, as well as logical components, in a focused, service – oriented, head / heart balance!
2. Attention; attitude; aptitude; articulate: While we never, know, for certain, what one focuses his attention, on, how he articulates his message, sends signals, either positive or negative, to our citizens. Only when / if, a public leader proceeds with a positive, can – do, attitude, combined with a well – developed, aptitude and skill – set, and a willingness to accept personal responsibility, rather than proceeding, with an emphasis on blaming, and complaining, are we served, properly!
3. Trends; timely: Times change, and evolve, and we need someone, who looks, in a relevant manner, to the future, rather than articulating, a back – to – the – past, Make America Great Approach, slogan – based, way! One must understand relevant trends, and proceed, forward, in a well – considered, timely manner!
4. Enrich; empathy; excellence: America benefits when, every effort, is focused on enriching the experience, for all Americans, not merely one's core supporters and followers! If, one, would avoid blaming and complaining, and commit to effectively listening, and learning, from every conversation and experience, he would exhibit the genuine empathy, focused on providing the highest degree of personal excellence!
America appears to be, as divided, as we have ever been, in recent memory! This nation will always benefit, in the longer – term, when love. trumps HATE!