Once called a noble profession, the age of the teacher being a well respected member of a child's inner community is dying at an ever increasing rate. It is becoming a more frequent occurrence, of teachers getting into violent altercations with students inside the classroom. Why and how has this culture of hate, and cruelty been allowed to endure? As a teacher expressing my personal opinion, I believe there is going to be a massive teacher shortage. From the teachers I have personally spoken to, they claim to be very burnt out of teaching because of the way they are being treated within the classroom by students. Children on all sorts of media fronts, are being taught to resist outside authority. Any type of authority figure ranging from teacher, parent, and police officer, is seen as the enemy in the eyes of the child. We live in an instant gratification culture where if it feels good, we are encouraged to do it. Children see authority figures as people who are going to stop their pursuit of pleasure.

According to the US Department of Education, between the 2011-2012 school year, 20% of all teachers within the United States experienced verbal abuse. 10% of all teachers within the same school year reported being threatened with violence. 5% of all the teachers in the United States reported being physically attacked within the school. Teachers are afraid to act and protect themselves because the court systems have been realigned to target the teachers instead of the students who are committing crimes against the teachers. Lawyers and parents who pursue frivolous lawsuits against school systems and teachers are neutering the ability for the teachers and school administrators to apply effective disciplinary needs within the schools. Disciplining a child more often than not, leads to the teacher being afraid for his or her job, because they are accused of targeting a child, or being a racist. Administrators are forced to leave their spines at the door, and not back the integrity of the teacher in fear of repercussions. It troubles me in that you can go on a website called YouTube and simply type, student beats up teacher, and come up with hundreds and hundreds of search hits.

How do we stop this violence from occurring in the classroom today? I believe that a majority of violence against teacher cases can be stopped if we improve the environment of the child. Parents need, and must start taking the responsibility of their child. Keep your children away from violent imagery and media that promotes heavy violence. There is some benefits from censoring your children. Instead of praising Hollywood's and the Music Industries supposed genius in the arts, actively stand up against what they promote, the pursuit of pleasure by any means necessary,