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Christian mathematics involves both the acknowledging of God in the little things and discerning of the cultural times. Our culture has been seriously secularized into thinking that subjects can exist apart from God. Therefore, when connecting faith and God’s creation to a subject, such as in Christian mathematics, many minds begin spinning.
How can mathematics possibly be Christian or unchristian, redeemed or unredeemed? This is a great place to start the discussion of Christian mathematics. In more formal terms, the question could be phrased, “Is mathematics neutral?” Most people have assumed mathematics is neutral for so long that the question is usually phrased as a wavering statement such as “Mathematics is neutral, right?”
Neutrality implies that the knowledge and structure of mathematics is not influenced by religious belief, or that it should not be. Another way to state neutrality is to say that mathematics would be the same whether God existed or not. The claim that mathematics would be the same with or without the existence of God is an antichristian statement, because the Scriptures declare that God created and holds all things, which includes mathematics, together. …God, who created all things by Jesus Christ Ephesians 3:9 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:17
Neutrality also denies that God can reveal truth about mathematics, where the Scriptures never represent the world as operating by laws independent of the Creator. Also, since there is one Creator, we look for and can expect to find unity and harmony between spiritual life, creation, history, philosophy, and mathematical knowledge. The Scriptures even inform us about what kind of mathematics is legitimate, the kind with the source of truth as revelation, verses any secularized version of revelation.
Since mathematics in general and Christian mathematics in particular is still under development, it is important for Christians to include mathematics in their view of the Christian dominion mandate. Just as reading, writing, and arithmetic permeate and influence a person’s life and every field of endeavor, so the impact of distinctly Christian mathematical thought has the potential to transform the student into the image of Christ for a greater influence in the Christian family, church, and society. Since most Christians desire a Biblical worldview in every other area of life, why not include mathematics?
A student fully trained in Christian mathematics has their inward thoughts and attitudes consistent with God’s Word. The student will boldly express his or her faith in their work, words, and writings; even the elusive areas where mathematics comes to bear, as in engineering and science. In other words, the student won’t be a secret believer when doing mathematics (Matthew 12:34b-37). Some say that the student who ignores God as he does mathematical tasks is not neutral, but even rebellious and ungrateful toward the Giver of all his knowledge (Proverbs 3:6;Hosea 4:6). It doesn’t take long in the Scriptures to see that God doesn’t promote neutrality in any subject (Revelations 3:15-16; Matthew 12:30; 1 Kings 18:21; Joshua 24:15).
The Christian math student is encouraged to discover and use God’s logic, attributes, power, nature, and glory (Romans 1:20 ; Psalm 111:10), while keeping logic and science subservient to revelation (Romans 5:18-19; Romans 7:17-21; Romans 8:20). Mathematics demonstrates the truth that every idea has an opposite (e.g., addition /subtraction, right/wrong) which has parallel ideas in theology (e.g., narrow way /broad way, righteousness /wickedness), which can declare the glory and attributes of God (Romans 1:20 ). Absolute truth and many other important philosophical concepts are further seen when one recognizes that mathematics reveals God’s nature through His creation. Disconnected secular math is often the cause for the dislike and even fear of math.
Christian mathematics seeks to keep mathematics connected to creation and daily reality while encouraging the student in their knowledge of God, experience in being led by His spirit (Romans 8:14 ), and discerning the times through illustrations of philosophy and truth in mathematics. This also inspires the student and properly motivates mathematical study, improve diligence, and leads to the lifelong acknowledgement of God in the details.
By the deliberate omission of creation and philosophical contexts, most mathematics teaching today denies the reality of the Creator God, where the wonder of creation and cultural implications reveal the fact that real life mathematics is not boring but exciting. One of the Christian math programs available implements the Biblical view of mathematics through special readings, real life projects, discussions, sharing of specific daily uses of mathematics, and helping students see the corresponding theological, personal, and cultural implications of Christian thinking.