TAGS: #green tea

Tea is a very complex drink composed of several hundred molecules including polyphenols (antioxidants) with recognized anti-cancer properties. The protective substances of tea have a specific impact on blocking the development of microvessels that irrigate tumors: non-irrigated, the tumor then develops much more difficult. But among the five types of existing tea – white, green, oolong, pu-erh or black – green is the only one to have this preventive effect.
Polyphenols, which contain more than four times the content of vitamin C, make green tea – and especially varieties from Japan – fight the aging of our cells. And on this point, it is he who has benefited from the greatest number of scientific studies providing its anti-aging effects. To take full advantage, you have to drink two to three cups a day.
Its main assets? Promote the burning of fat and facilitate drain of the body. A study published in 2011 in the newspaper "Obesity" has indeed shown that a mouse fed with fatty foods, but which received in parallel components of green tea, grew less quickly than those who did not receive it. This tend to prove that green tea would slow down the formation of fat masses in the body. Ideal to maintain its weight of form, it is also useful to preserve the health of the teeth, its polyphenols limiting the growth of bacteria associated with caries like E. Coli, S. Salivarius and S. Mutans.
As good as hot and iced, green tea is very refreshing and is even popular with many sportsmen as a rehydration drink after exercise. In addition, it contains two to three times less theine (or caffeine is the same molecule) as coffee. You have a fragile sleep? Know that theine is diffused in the very first seconds of the infusion. Drain your tea by letting it steep for 20 seconds, discard the "first water" and then pour boiling water over the leaves and let it steep normally.
• Highly antioxidant, it fights cell aging and cancer, with a more pronounced preventive effect on cancers of the mouth, colon and prostate. To maximize the protection offered by tea, it is better to opt for Japanese green teas, richer in anti-cancer molecules.
• Slimming. It is a dietary drink provided it is consumed naturally. Studies have linked its consumption to a decrease in body weight and body fat percentage.
• Bulk or sachet? Purists will answer without hesitation that the infusion is triggered faster with beautiful tea leaves in bulk that reveal all the subtlety of their perfume. However, this is a false debate: teabags used today by the major brands of tea have no impact on the quality of the beverage, and the mixture that is there (whole leaves, broken …) is the same as for the bulk sale .
• Organic? The organic choice is to offer the guarantee of a drink without residues of fertilizers or pesticides. Remember that tea leaves are never washed after harvest!
• In a cast iron teapot? Cast iron, porcelain, glass, whatever. These materials offer teapots "without memory", that is to say that do not absorb the aromas of teas that have infused. So just rinse with hot water after each use, then let it air-dry so you can use it again. This is not the case of earthenware teapots, called "memory", which absorb the aromas. You must then use a teapot for each tea.
• What temperature? You can not go wrong by reading the instructions on the infusion table on the tea box. It indicates the dosage of the tea, the temperature of the water and the optimum duration of infusion. By preferring, in addition, spring water or filtered tap water, you will enjoy an excellent tea-health, tasty and aromatic.
• Lemon or milk? Sacrilege! It deprives itself of many of its health virtues, the addition of lemon, honey, milk … reducing its antioxidant properties. Do you dislike tea? You will unduly be seduced by a good green tea flavored with fruits or flowers (cherry, orange …).