TAGS: #apple

Recently Google scored one over Apple when the exclusion of Google map from the latest iPhone made Apple loyalists really unhappy. They are quite justified too. This new Apple map has proven to be less efficient than Google Maps on various counts. To add salt to the wound, Mr Eric Schmidt, who was in Japan to introduce the Google Nexus tablet, showed off a new exciting feature of Google map where by moving the tablet you can move to other parts of the map, just like turning your head in real life. He also pointed out that with 500 million users, Android is far more popular than Apple and Google will not request Apple to reconsider their decision.
To deepen the creases on the forehead of the Apple bosses, there is a new survey saying, Android users are happier than Apple users with the default browser. Only 9% android users try any other browser than the default one, compared to 15% Apple users who are dissatisfied with Safari.
This data surfaced after famous online advertising network Chitika compared traffic from Android and iPhone users of the USA and Canada. Google Chrome came up as the leading choice of both Android and iPhone users as 2.34% and 3.07% users downloaded and installed this browser on the said two platforms respectively. Surprisingly, it can be seen that 11 out of every 100 Apple users are using lesser-known browsers like Mercury instead of the Apple created Safari.
In this context, it must be noted that ICS will not be the default browser anymore for Android and will be replaced by Chrome, as per the latest update from Google. In that case, a total of (91 + 2.34) 93.5% users will be happily using the default browser for Android, increasing the gap between them and Apple. It's only the other day when Mr. Schimdt picked the open source architecture of Android as the reason of success behind the extremely popular mobile platform. Apple always fortified its hardware and software under heavy barricades, lessening public involvement, showing the reason of quality and safety.
Google has no reason to be complacent, however. Mozilla, the Firefox maker, is developing its own mobile OS, Boot 2 Gecko, which is in beta stage, till I last heard. As Mozilla is a big name and has years of experience behind it and invites even bigger public contribution during the development can be a threat and competitor of Google in the near future.