Online video is big business. It’s a simple enough statement that should seem obvious enough given the high visibility (no pun intended!) and widespread appeal of visual media in its various forms, but if you have any doubts at all as to the veracity of this statement, you only have to spend a few minutes trawling the Internet to discover that no matter what particular area your interests lie in, you would probably find a video related to it on the Internet.

News clips, instructional and educational materials, movie trailers, even something as seemingly trivial and insignificant as the first few steps of someone’s child or someone’s bedroom impression of a famous celebrity…all of these have been uploaded onto the Internet for you and the countless millions of people around the world to feast your eyes on.

All access pass

To gain access to all these various bits of visual data, people would typically log on to the Internet and simply view them online by browsing to the sites where their chosen content is hosted.

It is a custom that has worked well enough for a number of years-enough to have sustained the massive growth of the online video industry apparently-but it is not without its share of challenges and difficulties. For one thing, you would normally have to sit there waiting for the entire video to load before you can begin watching it.

This is no problem for those of us who have lots of time to spare waiting around for the progress bar finish its interminable march to the end. Of course online video content is a bandwidth intensive medium, so if you are not fortunate enough to have a suitably fast Internet connection-and there are many people in the world who still don’t, believe it or not-you may as well just give up any hope of being able to watch your chosen videos at all.

Oftentimes, even if you are equipped with a fast and reliable Internet connection, you would much rather be able to view your chosen videos at your own convenience. It has traditionally been the drawback of streaming media that you are largely at the mercy of the physical and technological limitations of the protocol when it comes to viewing this content.

Breaking the chains

Those who refuse to be tied down by all of the limitations that online video has imposed upon you may want to take a look at the Applian Replay AV. This tremendously innovative and much welcome piece of software allows you to capture virtually all types of streaming video and audio for your later viewing or listening pleasure at your convenience.

Video clips, Online TV Broadcasts, audio archives, Radio Shows and Podcasts…all these and more are fair game for the Applian Replay AV, which allows you to easily and efficiently record all of these onto your computer’s hard drive automatically.

The Applian Replay AV is so elegant and transparent in operation that you can even go on working on your other tasks while the Applian Replay AV carries on the work in the background.

It is not always easy to access the video content that you want on the Internet, although it is admittedly getting easier as the technology progresses. With the Applian Replay AV however, the ease and convenience that you want is achievable right here, right now.