Do you like looking for trouble? What kind of person are you? Normally, there are 3 types of person when it comes to trouble.

  1. Those who solve problems
  2. Those who look for troubles
  3. Those who run away from trouble (neither they look for troubles nor they solve ones)

We have no need talk about the third category since these people rarely stay within our circle of close friends. Usually, when the trouble comes, they just run away. For example, when they feel studying is hard, they quit. When they face troubles a workplace, they seek for another jobs.

And even worse, when they face troubles at the workplace, they quit and earn their living on the courtesy of others… we seek refuge with God from these people… and even worse, they may blame others for not helping them in the name of brothers, sisters, relatives, friends and so on… We agree that being helpful to others is praiseworthy, but using this commendable behavior to justify another unjust behavior like running from problems is totally a different story.

Those Who Solve Problems

This group of people is the most numerous in the job industries or in countries where job opportunity is plenty. Just give them assignments, they will find ways no matter how to complete them. They love problem solving and employers admire them.

Those Who Look for Troubles

This category of people is also known as trouble maker. They take time to solve a problem. Normally, they study assignments thoroughly and scrutinize them with great care. People like this will go back to their boss and ask many questions; a big headache for a problem-solving boss.

What do you think about those categories of people I mentioned above?

Most of you will think that the best people are those who solve problems, right?

It might be right in the past era when the World Wide Web was not born and information overload was not in our glossary yet. The employers at that time admired workers who liked to solve problems.

But not now anymore! If you want to supercede others and become more successful, you have to be the trouble maker!

Are you surprised?

You don’t have to. Look around and study people who have become the best enterpreneurs, the best engineers, the best sales persons, the best… , the best…

Those who like looking for problems normally become the best in their fields…


Because today’s world requires those who are able to show the real problem, not the expected problem.

Simple Example

Imagine that your home is attacked by rats. Then, you get the help from a pest control company. The problem solvers will normally set up mouse traps at strategic places or put rodenticides wherever suitable. The problem solves and soon the rats come back. You get angry and blame the pest control company for the failure. Then, you get to start again and switch to other company looking for help.

Of course the other company belongs to me. What I do is send my professional personnel to inspect your home first. The technician’s job is to go find the problem first, not to solve it. He inspects on and on and informs you accordingly.

The real problem is that your house is not far from a garbage dump site that is not managed well.

On top of that, the house has many burrows that allow rats in and out as they please to look for food.

So, the technician is going to advise: Log a complaint to your municipality to improvise the waste management in your neighborhood. Ask them to close the burrows and routes used by the rats too. In a few days, rats are no longer a problem to you. And you are very satisfied paying me a higher fee for my professional service!!

OK. I am about to stop… but you should see now why I prefer an employee who likes to look for troubles…