Ayurveda is an ancient form of Indian medicine that has citation to almost every disease condition that could happen to a human being along with its treatment modules and prevention protocols. Ayurvedic medicine is considered to be safe as it is made of all natural products and makes use of botanical extracts along with organic derivations in all its medical formulations. It maintains body balance and maintain holistic well being of the body, soul and the mind.

Knee joint pain has become a common problem for elders, as their synovial membranes between the joints gets eroded over time and friction decreases over time. They develop pain eventually even with mild exertion. Knee joint pain is also common for those who are obese, as the joint is not able to bear with their body weight. Allopathic treatment for such knee problems might include surgical repair and other painful treatments. But in Ayurveda it is possible to safely, effectively and easily relive joint pain with the help of Asthijivk oil.

Ingredients of the oil:

The herbal oil is a potent mixture of a number of useful yet rare herbs that is being formulated into a paste to treat underlying muscle and nerve structures. As the oil is massaged over the skin, it has a potential to improve circulation in the muscles underneath improving blood flow in the arteries and fast growth of the damaged membranes. Herbs used in the oil are either used in the form of oil or in the form of an ark to extract the best properties of the oils. Its key herbs are Gwarpatha, Ajwain, nirgundi, Arand, Haldi, Aswagandha to name a few.

Directions to use:

Approximately 8 grams or 2 spoons of the oil is taken and mixed it with lukewarm water in order to make a paste like consistency to be applied and massaged on the knees. The preparation is best applied during night time before going to sleep. After application of the oil, the area has to be covered firmly but not tightly with the help of a flannel cloth and leave in in place for the entire night the area has to be washed off with lukewarm water in the morning and again is to be massaged with direct asthijivak oil. For repeated use, the same cloth can be used after washing. Caution is to be taken not to apply too much pressure while performing massage.

Advantages of using the oil:

· Massaging with the oil helps to improve circulation.

· Massaging helps in decreasing pain and inflammation.

· Bone damage happening with age gets renewed with calcification.

· Massage with the oil decreases damage to the cartilage.

· The oil helps in strengthening the supporting musculature.

As it improves lubrication it is possible to walk easily after damage.