TAGS: #coffee shop

For most people getting their daily fix of coffee means going to the local coffee shop and buying a latte right? In most coffee shops they use commercial espresso machines to prepare your coffee but there are a number of other ways to make coffee. One of the most common ways you would know about is Drip fed coffee. The process of making coffee like this is really easy. Its a very simple and cheap process as you can by the machines from any decent electrical or home-ware store. Ground coffee sits in a chamber in the machine and then hot water is slow fed through the grinds drip feeding you brewed coffee into a handy little jug ready for you to serve.
Another very common and simple way of making coffee is to use a French Press or the plunger pot. This simple little device comes a simple jug which is filled with water and ground coffee (together). As the water boils it brews the coffee, then you press the plunger down a filter separates the grinds from the water leaving you fresh brewed coffee. Okay, so they're the common ones. Now lets move onto a less common method that maybe you do not know about.
One very different way is to use a vacuum pot. This is a pot with two chambers, a lower chamber and an upper one with a filter in between. Water goes in the bottom chamber ready to be heated and coffee grounds go in the top chamber. It is then placed on heat (hob or stove etc), and as the water heats up and as it does it is forced up through the filter and mixes with the coffee grinds. When you take the vacuum pot from the heat the lower chamber starts to cool it then allows all the brewed coffee to come back down through the filter into the bottom chamber. This keeps the coffee grinds in the top chamber and leaves you with coffee in the bottom chamber!
You can find out more about coffee at: http://www.BaristaTrainingCourse.com