Besides hoping for a winning lotto ticket, the quickest millionaires are made in days. No, they don’t marry into money and they don’t rob banks. Record millionaires do deals. Very large deals. The quickest way to make a million dollars in days, is to buy and sell something. Or broker a deal where you are paid as the intermediary.

Think big. Items such as 15 million dollar luxury Yachts and water front mansions and all manner of high net value items are bought and sold every day. I am not talking about becoming a real estate agent or a car dealer, although you may need qualifications to trade in certain items and your ethical standards must be very high at these heady price levels.

The point is high ticket items pay very well because they require assistance to conclude. Maybe you want to buy and sell a 20 million dollar jet. Most deal makers for example, especially when they are starting out don’t have 20 dollars in their account much less the 20 million required to buy and sell a jet plane.

But they know that they dont need 20 million dollars, they only need temporary legal control of the asset until the deal is done. This can be achieved any number of ways. Think about the humble exclusive agreement you sign with your real estate agent if you are selling your home. Essentially that contract hands over control of your property to the agency. You may not sell it on your own and no one else may sell it other than they. This is a simple business tool. If you did sell the property from under them before the expiration date, you would still legally owe the agency their agreed commission and they could legally enforce this even though they were not responsible for the sale.

This is one way to control a high value asset without needing to buy it yourself. If you think about the margins, on 20 million, all you need is a small 5% to become a millionaire over night. If you can swing deals like this, it becomes very lucrative.