TAGS: #rich people

Are you tough enough to be rich? Most of us say yes far to quickly. I was amazed how difficult it is to be wealthy. I am going to give you an inside look at the challenges of becoming wealthy and then keeping that wealth. If you can prepare your mind for these challenges you can easily become one of the small percentage of rich people. Always remember there are plenty of wealthy people in every walk of life. It does not matter what occupation you list, someone has become wealthy doing it. It just ain’t for sissies that’s all.
How tough is it to become wealthy? Well, are you rich? Then I guess you know how tough that part is. It normally takes years of hard work and saving with proper investing to become wealthy. All along the way there are people working to get your money from you. While all kinds of investments are nothing but scams, you do need to invest your money into something to assist you in becoming wealthy.
Most of your “friends” can give you all kinds of reasons why you cannot be wealthy. Society can also teach you being wealthy is an evil thing, “money is the root of all evil”. There is no end to the roadblocks that can be placed in your path to wealth.
Step one to becoming wealthy. Any wealthy person will tell you or demonstrate to you by their actions the mindset it takes to become and stay wealthy. This is by far the largest key to becoming rich. You must mentally commit yourself to the exclusion of all other thoughts that you can become wealthy. This also works for any other goal you want. I remember hearing at a seminar the only difference between someone who wants something to someone who has that thing is, scar tissue. They did whatever it took to get it. I think that is the truest thing I have ever heard.
Along the road to wealth you will likely get beat up a bit (sometimes a lot). I know from working with people in debt that they also are getting beat up. The difference is there are a lot more people getting beat up by debt and that makes it more acceptable by society. There are not many who say, “Oh look at that poor Bill Gates, the press is so hard on him”. He took collected lots of lumps and bruises to get to where he is today and he’ll probably get some more to stay there.
Once you get wealthy the troubles just begin. People come out of the woodwork asking for stuff. Most millionaires tell very few of their wealth for fear of people knocking at their door for a handout. Interesting thing I have asked many millionaires for a hand-UP, for advice or mentorship and they are normally very helpful. People that have been through the school of hard knocks and graduated with a million dollars respect people who are doing the same.
Most wealthy people I know started out with very little and are grateful for their wealth and enjoy their lives more now than when they were poor. They pass on this advice, becoming rich and staying that way takes guts, education (not normally from a school), stamina, a support structure of friends and/or family, but most of all you got to be tough. It ain’t for sissies.